sábado, 20 de abril de 2024



 20 Multiple Choice Questions / 5 Options Each Question.

 TEXTORead the article below and answer questions 1,2 and 3.
Development of world's first autonomous, zero-emission feeder postponed amid COVID-19 crisis
Desenvolvimento do 1º porta-contêiner autônomo e com emissão-zero do mundo adiado em meio à crise da COVID-19
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the changed global outlook, the development of the world's first autonomous and electric container vessel Yara Birkeland is put on hold, Norwegian company Yara announced.
Devido à pandemia da COVID-19 e à mudança da perspectiva global, o desenvolvimento do 1º navio porta-contêineres autônomo e elétrico do mundo, Yara Birkeland, foi suspenso, divulgou a empresa norueguesa Yara.
►Yara has decided to pause further development of the vessel and will assess next steps together with its partners, the company stated.
A Yara decidiu interromper o desenvolvimento da embarcação e avaliará os próximos passos junto com seus parceiros, afirmou a empresa. 
►The hull of the Yara Birkeland vessel was launched to sea in Romania in February 2020.
O casco do navio Yara Birkeland foi lançado ao mar na Romênia em Fevereiro de 2020. 
►The ship is expected to arrive at the Norwegian shipyard in May where it will be fitted with various control and navigation systems and undergo testing before delivery to Yara.
Espera-se que o navio chegue ao estaleiro norueguês em Maio, onde será equipado com vários sistemas de controle e navegação e será submetido a testes antes da entrega à Yara.
►Yara and technology company Kongsberg teamed up in 2017 with the ambition to build the world's first autonomous and zero-emission container vessel.
A Yara e a empresa de tecnologia Kongsberg associaram-se em 2017 com a ambição de construir o 1º navio porta-contentores autônomo e com emissões zero do mundo.
►Replacing 40,000 truck journeys a year, Yara Birkeland seeks to reduce NOx and CO2 emissions and improve road safety in a densely populated urban area in Norway.
Substituindo 40.000 viagens de caminhão por ano, a Yara Birkeland procura reduzir as emissões de NOx e CO2 e melhorar a segurança rodoviária numa área urbana densamente povoada na Noruega.
(Adapted from: https://safety4sea.com)
According to the article:
(A) Covid-19 pandemic urged the development of the world's first autonomous, zero-emission feeder.
(B) Norwegian Company Yara issued a statement about the launching of a new watercraft fully manned,
(C) Unmanned craft can whittle down the discharge of foul air and greenhouse gases.
(D) Yara and Kongsberg technology company split up due to the virus outbreak.
(E) Autonomous and zero-emission feeders are salvage vessels that can stow the level of pollutants.
      Comentários e Gabarito    C  
According to the article:
(A) Covid-19 pandemic urged the development of the world's first autonomous, zero-emission feeder.
A pandemia de Covid-19 impulsionou o desenvolvimento do primeiro alimentador autónomo e com emissões zero do mundo.
(B) Norwegian Company Yara issued a statement about the launching of a new watercraft fully manned,
A empresa norueguesa Yara emitiu comunicado sobre o lançamento de uma nova embarcação totalmente tripulada,
(C) Unmanned craft can whittle down the discharge of foul air and greenhouse gases.
As embarcações não tripuladas podem reduzir a descarga de ar poluído e gases de efeito estufa.
(D) Yara and Kongsberg technology company split up due to the virus outbreak.
A empresa de tecnologia Yara e Kongsberg se separaram devido ao surto de vírus.
(E) Autonomous and zero-emission feeders are salvage vessels that can stow the level of pollutants.
Alimentadores autônomos e com emissão zero são embarcações de salvamento que podem armazenar o nível de poluentes.

In "[... ] the world's first autonomous and electric container vessel Yara Birkeland is put on hold [... ].",the idiom in bold means:
(A) Put away
(B) Put about
(C) Put off
(D) Put across
(E) Put up
      Comentários e Gabarito    C  
In "[... ] the world's first autonomous and electric container vessel Yara Birkeland is put on hold [... ].",the idiom in bold means:
Em "[... ] o primeiro navio porta-contêineres autônomo e elétrico do mundo, Yara Birkeland, é colocado em espera [...]", a expressão em negrito significa:
(A) Put away
(B) Put about
(C) Put off
(D) Put across
(E) Put up

Which statements are TRUE about the article?
I - The pandemic forestalled additional improvement ofthe feeder vessel.
II - The ship will enable a depletion of road freight and road hazards.
III - The vessel will be scrapped straight away.
IV - The Norwegian shipyard went bankrupt due to the changed global outlook.
V - The ship will be fitted with outdated controls and navigation systems.
(A) I and V
(B) IV and V
(C) II and V
(D) III and IV
(E) I and II
      Comentários e Gabarito    E  
Which statements are TRUE about the article?
Quais afirmações são VERDADEIRAS sobre o artigo?
I - The pandemic forestalled additional improvement ofthe feeder vessel.
A pandemia impediu melhorias adicionais no navio alimentador.
II - The ship will enable a depletion of road freight and road hazards.
O navio possibilitará uma diminuição do transporte rodoviário e dos perigos rodoviários.
III - The vessel will be scrapped straight away.
A embarcação será sucateada imediatamente.
IV - The Norwegian shipyard went bankrupt due to the changed global outlook.
O estaleiro norueguês faliu devido à mudança da perspectiva global.
V - The ship will be fitted with outdated controls and navigation systems.
O navio será dotado de controles e sistemas de navegação desatualizados.
(A) I and V
(B) IV and V
(C) II and V
(D) III and IV
(E) I and II

 TEXTO: Based on the test, answer questions 4 and 5.
Passenger ship hits rock
Navio de passageiros bate em pedra
A passenger ship was inbound in daylight and fair visibility. The Master gave the Pilot a briefing regarding the ship's manoeuvring characteristics; the ship was highly manoeuvrable and would 'turn on a dirne,' he said. The Master told the Pilot that a three-degree helm order would create a rate of turn of 10-15 degrees per minute.
Um navio de passageiros chegou à luz do dia e com boa visibilidade. O Comandante deu ao Prático instruções sobre as características de manobra do navio; o navio era altamente manobrável e “virava para uma direção”, disse ele. O Comandante disse ao Piloto que uma ordem de leme de três graus criaria uma taxa de giro de 10 a 15 graus por minuto.
The bridge team would consist of the Pilot at the con while the Master would bave overall navigational conunand. The staff captain would be in charge of communications while the first officer would be in charge of electronic navigation and collision avoidance. Finally, the second officer would be in charge of plotting the ship's position on the navigational chart,
A equipe da ponte consistiria do Piloto no comando, enquanto o Comandante forneceria o comando geral da navegação. O capitão do estado-maior seria responsável pelas comunicações, enquanto o primeiro oficial seria responsável pela navegação eletrônica e prevenção de colisões. Por fim, o segundo oficial seria responsável por traçar a posição do navio na carta de navegação,
The Pilot and the Master discussed and agreed the intended passage plan, noting a strong flood tide that would be running astern. However, the subsequent investigation found that, due to miscommunication during the exchange, the passage inwards began with the Master and Pilot having different understandings of how the first turn would be conducted.
O Piloto e o Comandante discutiram e concordaram com o plano de passagem pretendido, notando uma forte maré cheia que estaria correndo pela popa. No entanto, a investigação subsequente constatou que, devido a falhas de comunicação durante a troca, a passagem para dentro começou com o Comandante e o Piloto tendo entendimentos diferentes de como a primeira curva seria conduzida.
The ship was lined up with the leading navigation lights and entered the channel without incident. As the Pilot took the con, the Master brief ed the staff captain on the Master/ Pilot exchange and explained his understanding of how they were going to negotiate the tum to port. The rest of the bridge team were not included in this conversation and essentially relied on what they overheard.
O navio foi alinhado com as principais luzes de navegação e entrou no canal sem incidentes. Enquanto o Piloto aceitava o golpe, o Comandante informou ao capitão do estado-maior sobre a troca Comandante/Piloto e explicou seu entendimento de como eles iriam negociar a volta para bombordo. O resto da equipe da ponte não foi incluído nesta conversa e confiou essencialmente no que ouviu.
Under the Pilot's con, the first alteration of course to port was initiated using three degrees of port helm. At this time the vessel had a speed over ground (SOG) of nearly 18 knots. The initial helm order was followed by successive increases to five and then 10 degrees of rudder.
Sob o comando do Piloto, a 1ª alteração de rumo para bombordo foi iniciada com três graus de leme de bombordo. Neste momento a embarcação tinha uma velocidade sobre o solo (SOG) de quase 18 nós. A ordem inicial do leme foi seguida por aumentos sucessivos para cinco e depois 10 graus do leme.
About one minute after the initial three degree port helm order an offtrack: alarm flashed 011 the ECDIS, but this information was not brought to the attention of the Master or the Pilot. The alarm appeared only as a visual indicator on the radar screen because its audio had been muted prior to the ship entering the channel.
Cerca de um minuto após os três graus iniciais do leme de bombordo ordenarem um desvio: o alarme disparou no ECDIS, mas esta informação não foi levada ao conhecimento do Comandante ou do Piloto. O alarme apareceu apenas como um indicador visual na tela do radar porque seu áudio foi silenciado antes da nave entrar no canal.
Even so, the Master and Pilot soon realised that the ship was proceeding dangerously close to a known rock shoal, so 20 degrees of port rudder was ordered, immediately foll owed by maximum port rudder.
Mesmo assim, o Comandante e o Piloto logo perceberam que o navio estava avançando perigosamente próximo a um banco de areia conhecido, então foi ordenado um leme de bombordo de 20 graus, seguido imediatamente pelo leme máximo de bombordo.
About three minutes after the initial helm order of three degrees, and despite the emergency helm order, the ship's bilge keel and the starboard propeller made contact with the rock as the ship passed.
Cerca de três minutos após a ordem inicial do leme de três graus, e apesar da ordem de emergência do leme, a quilha do porão do navio e a hélice de estibordo fizeram contato com a rocha quando o navio passou.
The ship was then navigated back to the centre of the channel and continued on its passage to port without further incident.
O navio foi então conduzido de volta ao centro do canal e continuou sua passagem para o porto sem maiores incidentes.
The official report on this accident discusses the concept of allowing a ship to depart from an intended track in the belief that other influences, such as tide in this case, would return the ship to the intended track. The report notes that this carries a high risk when manoeuvring large ships in narrow waterways, where margins for error are small. The report posits that there is less risk when a ship is kept strictly to the intended track by increasing or decreasing its rate of tum inresponse to the external influences such as tide and wind.
O relatório oficial sobre este acidente discute o conceito de permitir que um navio se afaste da rota pretendida, na crença de que outras influências, como a maré neste caso, devolveriam o navio à rota pretendida. O relatório observa que isto acarreta um risco elevado quando se manobram navios de grande porte em vias navegáveis estreitas, onde as margens de erro são pequenas. O relatório postula que há menos risco quando um navio é mantido estritamente na rota pretendida, aumentando ou diminuindo a sua velocidade de rotação em resposta a influências externas, como maré e vento.
This method has the advantage of being unambiguous for other members of the bridge team tasked with monitoring the progress of the ship against the planned track.
Este método tem a vantagem de ser inequívoco para outros membros da equipe da ponte encarregados de monitorar o progresso do navio em relação à trajetória planejada.
(Adapted from: https://steamshipmutual.com)
It is possible to infer from the text that:
(A) Both the one in charge of the ship and the Pilot saw eye-to-eye on the voyage planning at the outset.
(B) The outer passenger ship was quite stationary.
(C) Despite being highly manoeuvrable, the ship would have problems in changing direction very quickly in a very small space.
(D) Due to a rock shoal the ship stranded
(E) The navigation lights were unlit, although the ship was keeping track of it.
      Comentários e Gabarito    A  
It is possible to infer from the text that:
É possível inferir do texto que:
(A) Both the one in charge of the ship and the Pilot saw eye-to-eye on the voyage planning at the outset.
Tanto o responsável pelo navio quanto o Piloto concordaram no planejamento da viagem desde o início.
(B) The outer passenger ship was quite stationary.
O navio de passageiros externo estava bastante parado.
(C) Despite being highly manoeuvrable, the ship would have problems in changing direction very quickly in a very small space.
Apesar de ser altamente manobrável, o navio teria problemas para mudar de direção muito rapidamente em um espaço muito pequeno.
(D) Due to a rock shoal the ship stranded.
Devido a um banco de areia o navio encalhou.
(E) The navigation lights were unlit, although the ship was keeping track of it.
As luzes de navegação estavam apagadas, embora o navio estivesse monitorando-as.

Mark the option that is TRUE about the text.
(A) As the Master does not hold ultimate command and responsibility on board, the Pilot and staff Captain take the navigation watch.
(B) After taking over the navigational duties on the bridge, the Pilot gave instructions to the staff Captain on the Master/Pilot trade.
(C) Both the Pilot and the Master took the offtrack alarm for granted as it went off the ECDIS.
(D) The audible and visual emergency alarms had been hushed when the vessel entered the channel.The audible and visual emergency alarms had been hushed when the vessel entered the channel.
(E) The Master as well as the Pilot found out that the vessel was running into risk and made up their minds to steer clear of it at once.
      Comentários e Gabarito    E  
Mark the option that is TRUE about the text.
Marque a opção que é VERDADEIRA sobre o texto.
(A) As the Master does not hold ultimate command and responsibility on board, the Pilot and staff Captain take the navigation watch.
Como o Comandante não detém o comando e responsabilidade final a bordo, o Piloto e o Capitão do estado-maior assumem o quarto de navegação.
(B) After taking over the navigational duties on the bridge, the Pilot gave instructions to the staff Captain on the Master/Pilot trade.
 Após assumir as funções de navegação na ponte, o Piloto deu instruções ao Capitão do Estado-Maior sobre a troca de Comandante/Piloto.
(C) Both the Pilot and the Master took the offtrack alarm for granted as it went off the ECDIS.
Tanto o Piloto quanto o Comandante consideraram o alarme de desvio como garantido quando ele disparou no ECDIS.
(D) The audible and visual emergency alarms had been hushed when the vessel entered the channel.The audible and visual emergency alarms had been hushed when the vessel entered the channel.
Os alarmes de emergência sonoros e visuais foram silenciados quando a embarcação entrou no canal. Os alarmes de emergência sonoros e visuais foram silenciados quando a embarcação entrou no canal.
(E) The Master as well as the Pilot found out that the vessel was running into risk and made up their minds to steer clear of it at once.
O Comandante e o Prático descobriram que a embarcação estava correndo risco e decidiram evitá-la imediatamente.

 TEXTO: Read the text below and answer question 6.
IMO, FAO to reduce marine plastic litter
IMO e FAO vão reduzir o lixo plástico marinho
In light of the global issue of marine plastic litter, IMO and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) shake their hands and inked an agreement in order to prevent and reduce marine plastic litter coming from shipping and fisheries.
À luz da questão global do lixo plástico marinho, a IMO e a Organização das Nações Unidas para a Alimentação e a Agricultura (FAO) apertam as mãos e assinaram um acordo para prevenir e reduzir o lixo plástico marinho proveniente do transporte marítimo e da pesca.
In fact, the agreement focuses on how the agencies will jointly execute the project and marks the next step towards many strategic partnerships anticipated under the project.
Na verdade, o acordo centra-se na forma como as agências executarão conjuntamente o projecto e marca o próximo passo em direção a muitas parcerias estratégicas previstas no âmbito do projeto.
Through their collaboration, both sides will move forward and jointly implement the GloLitter Partnerships Project, initially launched im December 2019, with funding from Norway.
Através da sua colaboração, ambos os lados avançarão e implementarão conjuntamente o Projeto de Parcerias GloLitter, lançado inicialmente em dezembro de 2019, com financiamento da Noruega.
For the records, the GloLitter project will help developing countries to identify opportunities to prevent and reduce marine litter, including plastic litter, from within the maritime transport and fishery sectors, and to decrease the use of plastics in these industries.
Para que fique registado, o projeto GloLitter ajudará os países em desenvolvimento a identificar oportunidades para prevenir e reduzir o lixo marinho, incluindo o lixo plástico, nos setores do transporte marítimo e da pesca, e a diminuir a utilização de plásticos nestas indústrias.
"It will identify opportunities to re-use and recycle plastics. It will directly help to achieve one of the specific targets in the global Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 - to prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution, by 2025.", as IMO noted in 1ts statement.
"Identificará oportunidades para reutilizar e reciclar plásticos. Ajudará diretamente a alcançar uma das metas específicas do Objetivo de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) 14 global - prevenir e reduzir significativamente a poluição marinha de todos os tipos, em particular de actividades terrestres, incluindo detritos marinhos e poluição por nutrientes, até 2025.", como observou a IMO na sua declaração.
Moreover, IMO and FAO will now reach out to their respective fields to strengthen cooperation, not least private sector participation through a Global Industry Alliance. The agreement was signed on 14 April 2020.
Além disso, a IMO e a FAO irão agora estender a mão aos seus respectivos campos para reforçar a cooperação, nomeadamente a participação do sector privado através de uma Aliança Industrial Global. O acordo foi assinado em 14 de abril de 2020.
(Adapted from: https://safety4sea.com)

According to the text, it is possible to infer that:
(A) IMO and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations made an agreement that would spur the jettison of waste in the oceans.
(B) Marine pollution has been backed by some sectors of society.
(C) The contract between IMO and FAO is related to the strategies for enlarging the provision of rubbish for the industries.
(D) The contract will enable an ebb in marine pollution besides averting it.
(E) The project is a helping hand in the development of other countries and a deterrent for recycling.
      Comentários e Gabarito    D  
According to the text, it is possible to infer that:
De acordo com o texto, é possível inferir que:
(A) IMO and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations made an agreement that would spur the jettison of waste in the oceans.
A IMO e a Organização das Nações Unidas para a Alimentação e a Agricultura firmaram um acordo que estimularia o descarte de resíduos nos oceanos.
(B) Marine pollution has been backed by some sectors of society.
A poluição marinha tem sido apoiada por alguns setores da sociedade.
(C) The contract between IMO and FAO is related to the strategies for enlarging the provision of rubbish for the industries.
O contrato entre a IMO e a FAO está relacionado com as estratégias para ampliar o fornecimento de lixo para as indústrias.
(D) The contract will enable an ebb in marine pollution besides averting it.
O contrato permitirá um declínio na poluição marinha, além de evitá-lo.
(E) The project is a helping hand in the development of other countries and a deterrent for recycling.
O projeto é uma ajuda no desenvolvimento de outros países e um impedimento para a reciclagem.

Choose the option with the correct prefixes to complete the sentences below.
I. Computing systems often deliberately _____ classify sensitive information.
II. Since then, every time I felt stressed, _____ aligned, or dissatisfied, I would refer back to them to get the source of my frustration." ·
III. My son-in-law was talking and acting in an ____ appropriate manner at the party.
IV. Crooks sometimes ____ run the police.
V. She had difficulty in writing anything but scribbles because she was ____ patient.
VI. Her latest article is quite ____ similar from the previous one.
(A) de- / dis- / in- / out- / im- / dis­
(B) de- / un- / un- / mis- / im- / un­-
(C) dis- / in- / dis- / out- / un- / un­-
(D) de- / dis- / in- / mis- / im- / dis­
(E) dis- / mis- / un- / mis- / un- / dis
      Comentários e Gabarito    A  
Choose the option with the correct prefixes to complete the sentences below.
Escolha a opção com os prefixos corretos para completar as frases abaixo.
I. Computing systems often deliberately declassify sensitive information.
Os sistemas de computação muitas vezes desclassificam deliberadamente informações confidenciais.
II. Since then, every time I felt stressed, disaligned, or dissatisfied, I would refer back to them to get the source of my frustration.
Desde então, toda vez que me sentia estressado, desalinhado ou insatisfeito, eu os consultava para descobrir a origem da minha frustração.
III. My son-in-law was talking and acting in an inappropriate manner at the party.
Meu genro estava falando e agindo de maneira inadequada na festa.
IV. Crooks sometimes outrun the police.
Os bandidos às vezes fogem da polícia.
V. She had difficulty in writing anything but scribbles because she was impatient.
Ela tinha dificuldade em escrever qualquer coisa que não fosse rabiscos porque estava impaciente.
VI. Her latest article is quite dissimilar from the previous one.
Seu último artigo é bastante diferente do anterior.
VI. Her latest article is quite dissimilar from the previous one.

(A) de- / dis- / in- / out- / im- / dis­
(B) de- / un- / un- / mis- / im- / un­-
(C) dis- / in- / dis- / out- / un- / un­-
(D) de- / dis- / in- / mis- / im- / dis­
(E) dis- / mis- / un- / mis- / un- / dis

Choose the correct option.
(A) A number of serious accusations have been done against her.
(B) Clara did an unexpected announcement this mormng.
(C) A weekend in the countryside would do you good.
(D) He did wild claims about being able to predict the future.
(E) She ought to do a will.
      Comentários e Gabarito    C  
Choose the correct option.
(A) A number of serious accusations have been done against her.
(B) Clara did an unexpected announcement this mormng.
(C) A weekend in the countryside would do you good.
(D) He did wild claims about being able to predict the future.
(E) She ought to do a will.

Choose the correct alternative to complete the paragraph below.
(A) of / into / out / on / up
(B) towards / over / up / along / over
(C) off / along / into / at / out
(D) from / on / off / in / on
(E) to / in / along / over / off
      Comentários e Gabarito    A  
(A) of / into / out / on / up
(B) towards / over / up / along / over
(C) off / along / into / at / out
(D) from / on / off / in / on
(E) to / in / along / over / off
Charter, Sail, Repeat: new ventures and old favorites in the Greek Isles
Charter, Sail, Repeat: novos empreendimentos e velhos favoritos nas Ilhas Gregas
On our first day, we sailed southwest nearly 50 miles 011 a nice beam reach, winding through Kolpos Idras, or the Hydra Gulf. By the end, we were running out of daylight, so we pulled into the miniscule harbor on Spetses Island.
Em 1º primeiro dia, navegamos para sudoeste por quase 80 km, um belo alcance de feixe, serpenteando por Kolpos Idras, ou Golfo de Hidra. No final, a luz do dia já estava acabando, então paramos no minúsculo porto da Ilha Spetses.
I read the guides twice, but the most I got was a warning about tl1e inner harbor being only 4ft deep, which made me suck in my stomach as we crept in.
Li os guias duas vezes, mas o máximo que consegui foi um aviso de que o porto interno tinha apenas um metro e meio de profundidade, o que me fez encolher o estômago enquanto entrávamos.
The harbor turned out to be a mix of private yachts, commercial boats and fishing craft, and as we were looking round I happened to notice black clouds on the horizon.
O porto revelou-se uma mistura de iates particulares, barcos comerciais e embarcações de pesca e, enquanto olhávamos em volta, notei nuvens negras no horizonte.
The wind was also now picking up, so out we went again, making a U-turn back to the bay to drop anchor with the other cruisers who'd opted to skip the draft headaches. We made it just before the gale overtook us.
O vento também estava aumentando, então partimos novamente, fazendo meia-volta de volta à baía para ancorar com os outros cruzadores que optaram por evitar as dores de cabeça do vento. Chegamos pouco antes do vendaval nos atingir.

Based on the passage below, mark the correct option.

By the end of our first two weeks in Holland, we had fallen head over heels for the country. It's a historic, visual, artistic and cultural feast that is compact and easy to get around thanks to its efficient trains, buses and bike routes.
(Adapted from: Sail Magazine, August 2018.)

Considering the previous passage, the underlined phrase 'head over heels' is closest in meaning to:
(A) Bewildered
(B) Gleeful
(C) At ease
(D) In love
(E) Stupefied
      Comentários e Gabarito    A  

Mark the option which corresponds to the grammatically correct sentences.
I - I gather you've had some problems with our secretary.
II - Are you having a headache?
III - Hadn't you better check to see if the baby is all right?
IV - She knows Jacob since 1981.
V - I'd rather to stay here than to go out tonight.
(A) I and V
(B) II and III
(C) IV and V
(D) I and III
(E) II and IV
      Comentários e Gabarito    A  
Mark the option which corresponds to the grammatically correct sentences.
I - I gather you've had some problems with our secretary.
II - Are you having a headache?
III - Hadn't you better check to see if the baby is all right?
IV - She knows Jacob since 1981.
V - I'd rather to stay here than to go out tonight.
(A) I and V
(B) II and III
(C) IV and V
(D) I and III
(E) II and IV

Which is the correct alternative to complete the paragraph below?
(A) have been asked / could be asked / were / show / have already overcome
(B) will be asked / are asked / were / are being shown/ already overcame
(C) had been asked / were asked / might be / showed / had already been overcome
(D) could be asked / were asked / will be / will show / have already overcome
(E) were asked / are being asked / are / show / have already been overcome
      Comentários e Gabarito    E  
Which is the correct alternative to complete the paragraph?
Qual é a alternativa correta para completar o parágrafo?
(A) have been asked / could be asked / were / show / have already overcome
(B) will be asked / are asked / were / are being shown/ already overcame
(C) had been asked / were asked / might be / showed / had already been overcome
(D) could be asked / were asked / will be / will show / have already overcome
(E) were asked / are being asked / are / show / have already been overcome
►Many ofthe same questions that were asked about coal-powered propulsion are being asked of the Internet of Things (loT) today: What's wrong with the traditional way; how will this benefit my fleet; why do we need to malee this change?
Muitas das mesmas perguntas feitas sobre a propulsão movida a carvão são feitas hoje em relação à Internet das Coisas (loT): O que há de errado com a forma tradicional; como isso beneficiará minha frota; por que precisamos enfrentar essa mudança?
►They are all good questions, and they show a very natural human interest in the three areas that should matter most in deciding whether to use any maritime technology: safety, effectiveness and cost.
Todas são boas perguntas e mostram um interesse humano muito natural nas três áreas que deveriam ser mais importantes na decisão de utilizar qualquer tecnologia marítima: segurança, eficácia e custo.
►The biggest challenges to IoT adoption have already been overcome. In large part, this is due to the ready availability of high-performance data collection.
Os maiores desafios para a adoção da IoT já foram superados. Em grande parte, isto se deve à disponibilidade imediata de coleta de dados de alto desempenho.

Choose the option that correctly completes the sentences below, respectively:
I - The journey was quite quick _______ the road was clear.
II - The meeting has been canceled _______ the strike.
III - I drove at a steady 50 mph ________ save fuel.
IV- There's no reason _______ we shouldn't be friends.
V- _______ all her qualifications, she's useless at the job.
(A) owing to / due to / otherwise / insofar as / to
(B) because of / in order that / provide that / unless / owing to
(C) owing to / due to / therefore / for / in
(D) as / because / so as to / as of / in spite of
(E) because / owing to / so as to / why / for
      Comentários e Gabarito    E  
Choose the option that correctly completes the sentences below, respectively:
I - The journey was quite quick because the road was clear.
A viagem foi bastante rápida porque o caminho estava desimpedido.
II - The meeting has been canceled owing to the strike.
A reunião foi cancelada em virtude da greve.
III - I drove at a steady 50 mph so as to save fuel.
Dirigi a uma velocidade constante de 50 mph para economizar combustível.
IV- There's no reason why we shouldn't be friends.
Não há razão para não sermos amigos.
V- For all her qualifications, she's useless at the job.
Apesar de todas as suas qualificações, ela é inútil no trabalho.
(A) owing to / due to / otherwise / insofar as / to
(B) because of / in order that / provide that / unless / owing to
(C) owing to / due to / therefore / for / in
(D) as / because / so as to / as of / in spite of
(E) because / owing to / so as to / why / for

 TEXTO: Read the POEM below and choice the correct answer.
According to the text:
(A) The title refers to a disease that could commonly occur working onboard vessels at sea.
(B) The seagulls are crying because of the blown spume and the flung spray.
(C) The voice of the poem has a strong desire to hear a story from a seafarer.
(D) The whetted knife is going to be used to cut the seagulls and the whales like the wind.
(E) The voice of the poem wants to have an amazing adventure at sea by sailing in very bad weather.
      Comentários e Gabarito    C  
According to the text:
(A) The title refers to a disease that could commonly occur working onboard vessels at sea.
O título refere-se a uma doença que pode ocorrer comumente no trabalho a bordo de navios no mar.
INCORRETA porque o título “SEA-FEVER”(A FEBRE DO MAR) refere-se ao apelo da vida no mar;
►Através do poema, o poeta transmite a mensagem de que o mar pode ser um alívio para ele descansar de sua vida agitada., além de outras coisas mais que o confortam durante a viagem marítima.
(B) The seagulls are crying because of the blown spume and the flung spray.
As gaivotas choram por causa da espuma soprada e das gotas finas de água lançadas pelas ondas e pelo vento.
INCORRETA porque as frases “the blown spume and the flung spray” e “the seagulls crying” são apenas descrições feitas pelo poetas e independentes entre si, conforme o trecho:
[…] And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying, And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the seagulls crying.
(C) The voice of the poem has a strong desire to hear a story from a seafarer.
A voz do poema tem um forte desejo de ouvir uma história de um marinheiro.
CORRETA conforme o trecho:
“[…] And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover, And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick’s over.”
E tudo que peço é uma história alegre de um companheiro do mar, E um sono tranquilo e um sonho bonito quando a longa jornada acabar.
(D) The whetted knife is going to be used to cut the seagulls and the whales like the wind.
A faca cortante vai ser usada para cortar as gaivotas e as baleias como o vento.
INCORRETA porque o poeta usa a frase “like a whetted knife”*(como uma faca cortante) em um sentido conotativo e não “The whetted knife”(a faca cortante), conforme o trecho:
“[...] I must down to the seas again to the vagrant gypsy life, To the gull's way and the whale's way where the wind's like a whetted knife.”
Eu devo descer aos mares de novo, à cigana vida vagante, Onde a baleia e a gaivota são donas da rota e o vento é como uma faca cortante.
(E) The voice of the poem wants to have an amazing adventure at sea by sailing in very bad weather.
A voz do poema quer ter uma incrível aventura no mar navegando em péssimo tempo.
INCORRETA porque o poeta deseja ir para um mar solitário com o céu aberto acima porque queria estar perto do mar, observar as criaturas marinhas e sentir a emoção da viagem marítima, o poeta deseja um dia ventoso com as nuvens brancas voando, gotas finas de água lançadas pelas ondas e pelo vento, um alto navio e uma estrela com que o guiar, e o puxar do timão e do vento a canção e o fremer das velas brancas, e uma névoa cinzenta na face do mar e uma aurora cinzenta a raiar, conforme o trecho:
[…] And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying, And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the seagulls crying.

I must down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky, And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by, And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking, And a grey mist on the sea's face and a grey dawn breaking.
Devo descer aos mares de novo, ao mar solitário e ao céu. E tudo o que peço é um navio alto e uma estrela para guiá-lo, E o impulso da roda e a canção do vento e o fremer das velas brancas, E uma névoa cinzenta na face do mar e uma aurora cinzenta a raiar.
I must down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the seagulls crying.
Devo descer novamente aos mares, pois o chamado da maré corrente É um chamado selvagem e claro que não pode ser negado; E tudo que peço é um dia de vento com nuvens brancas voando, E o spray e a espuma soprada, e as gaivotas chorando.
►I must down to the seas again to the vagrant gypsy life, To the gull's way and the whale's way where the wind's like a whetted knife; And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover, And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over.
Devo descer novamente aos mares, à vida cigana errante, Ao caminho da gaivota e ao caminho da baleia, onde o vento é como uma faca afiada; E tudo o que peço é uma história alegre de um companheiro risonho, E um sono tranquilo e um doce sonho quando o longo truque terminar.

 TEXTO: Read the ADVERTISEMENT and answer questions 15 and 16.
According to the text:
In "A merchant navy or merchant marine is the fleet of merchant vessels [... ]. ", the word fleet means:
(A) Union
(B) Team
(C) Group
(D) Category
(E) Company
      Comentários e Gabarito    C  
According to the text:
In "A merchant navy or merchant marine is the fleet of merchant vessels [... ]. ", the word fleet means:
Em “Uma marinha mercante ou marinha mercante é a frota de navios mercantes [...]”, a palavra frota significa:
(A) Union união
(B) Team Equipe
(C) Group Grupo (a group of ships)
(D) Category Categoria
(E) Company Empresa
Based on the text, it is possible to infer that:
(A) There are many job positions to be held.
(B) Most ofthe job vacancies are overlooked.
(C) Prospects for employment are short-term ones.
(D) A great deal of job opportunities has been shed.
(E) A gloomy unemployment scenario has been faced.
      Comentários e Gabarito    C  
Based on the text, it is possible to infer that:
Com base no texto é possível inferir que:
(A) There are many job positions to be held.
Existem muitos cargos a serem ocupados.
(B) Most ofthe job vacancies are overlooked.
A maioria das vagas de emprego são ignoradas.
(C) Prospects for employment are short-term ones.
As perspectivas de emprego são de curto prazo.
(D) A great deal of job opportunities has been shed.
Muitas oportunidades de emprego vêm sido perdidas.
(E) A gloomy unemployment scenario has been faced.
Um cenário sombrio de desemprego vem sendo enfrentado.

 TEXTORead the TEXT and answer questions 17 and 18.
Which word DOES NOT follow the same plural rule applied to the word "nationalities" in the text?
(A) Enemy
(B) Activity
(C) Country
(D) Theory
(E) Delay
      Comentários e Gabarito    E  
Y precedido de consoante, deleta-se o -Y e cola-se -IES):
Which word DOES NOT follow the same plural rule applied to the word "nationalities" in the text?
Qual palavra NÃO segue a mesma regra de plural aplicada à palavra “nacionalidades” no texto?
(A) Enemy Inimigo (ENEMY ➽ ENEMIES)
(B) Activity Atividade (ACTIVITY ➽ ACTIVITIES)
(C) Country País (COUNTRY ➽ COUNTRIES)
(D) Theory Teoria (THEORY ➽ THEORIES)
(E) Delay Atraso (DELAY ➽ DELAYS)(Y precedido de vogal, acrescenta-se -S).

According to the text:
(A) Communication between co-workers provides them with deeper understanding about their way of life.
(B) Interaction with people from various cultures enhances professional skill.
(C) By being exposed to different cultures, workers . end up strict professionals.
(D) Knowledge got from being in contact with foreigners affects the professional's quality of life.
(E) A proper behavior on the part of such a professional is a requirement for communication abroad.
      Comentários e Gabarito    B  
According to the text:
(A) Communication between co-workers provides them with deeper understanding about their way of life.
A comunicação entre colegas de trabalho proporciona-lhes uma compreensão mais profunda sobre o seu modo de vida.
(B) Interaction with people from various cultures enhances professional skill.
A interação com pessoas de diversas culturas melhora a habilidade profissional.
(C) By being exposed to different cultures, workers . end up strict professionals.
Ao serem expostos a diferentes culturas, os trabalhadores. acabam sendo profissionais rigorosos.
(D) Knowledge got from being in contact with foreigners affects the professional's quality of life.
O conhecimento adquirido no contato com estrangeiros afeta a qualidade de vida do profissional.
(E) A proper behavior on the part of such a professional is a requirement for communication abroad.
O comportamento adequado desse profissional é requisito para comunicação no exterior.

 TEXTORead the TEXT and answer questions 19 and 20.
Read the statements below and decide whether they are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).
Then choose the option that contains the correct answer.
I. Maritime accidents can be caused by human failure.
II. Size of vessels does not imply maritime accidents.
III. Maritime accidents sometimes occur at dock entrances.
IV. Lack of visibility is one of the causes of maritime accidents.
V. Explosions represent a small percentage in tanker accidents.
(A) T - T - F - T - F
(B) T - F - F - T - F
(C) F - T - F - T - T
(D) F - T - T - F - F
(E) T - F - T - F - T
      Comentários e Gabarito    B  
Read the statements below and decide whether they are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).
Leia as afirmações abaixo e decida se elas são VERDADEIRAS (V) ou FALSAS (F).
Then choose the option that contains the correct answer.
Em seguida, escolha a opção que contém a resposta correta.
I. Maritime accidents can be caused by human failure.
Os acidentes marítimos podem ser causados por falhas humanas.
II. Size of vessels does not imply maritime accidents.
O tamanho dos navios não implica acidentes marítimos.
III. Maritime accidents sometimes occur at dock entrances.
Às vezes, acidentes marítimos ocorrem nas entradas das docas.
IV. Lack of visibility is one of the causes of maritime accidents.
A falta de visibilidade é uma das causas dos acidentes marítimos.
V. Explosions represent a small percentage in tanker accidents.
As explosões representam uma pequena percentagem dos acidentes com petroleiros.
(A) T - T - F - T - F
(B) T - F - F - T - F
(C) F - T - F - T - T
(D) F - T - T - F - F
(E) T - F - T - F - T

In "Also, human error on the part of the pilot of the tugboat can also lead to unwanted and unexpected tugboat mishaps.", the word in bold expresses:
(A) Obligation
(B) Suggestion
(C) Prohibition
(D) Possibility
(E) Permission
      Comentários e Gabarito    D  
In "Also, human error on the part of the pilot of the tugboat can also lead to unwanted and unexpected tugboat mishaps.", the word in bold expresses:
Em “Além disso, o erro humano por parte do piloto do rebocador também pode levar a acidentes indesejados e inesperados do rebocador.”, a palavra em negrito expressa:
(A) Obligation Obrigação
(B) Suggestion Sugestão
(C) Prohibition Proibição
(D) Possibility Possibilidade
(E) Permission Permissão