segunda-feira, 8 de abril de 2013

Unifor-2011/1-1ª Fase- Vestibular da UNIFOR - Prova de INGLÊS com gabarito e questões comentadas.

Hey,what's up guys!!!...How have you been?!
Neste post, veremos a Prova de INGLÊS da UNIFOR 2011/1 Prova 1ª Fase.
[b]Padrão/Composição da prova 
➦01 Texto.
➦06 Questões do tipo (A,B,C,D,E)
 Interpretação Textual de temas da atualidade e/ou polêmicos;
 Vocabulary, Collocations, Idioms; Phrasal Verbs and False Frends;
 Site:, Sunday 13, November, 2011) 
(Bolsas de estudo valem a pena) 
 Tema abordado: Educação  
Caso necessário,sugiro que consulte os 02(dois) excelentes dicionários a seguir:
[to ]
🔄Phrasal Verbs :
[to pay off=pode expressar 03 sentidos diferentes="valer a pena","pagar=quitar", "pagar=subornar"]
🔄Expressões verbais com o TO BE(simple present/simple past/simple future/ be going to/present continuous/past continuous/future continuous):
🔄Expressões verbais no PERFECT TENSE(present perfect/past perfect/present perfect continuous/past perfect continuous):
🔄Expressões com os 10 modais(can/could/may/might/must/should/would/ought to/will/shall):
🔄Expressões com verbos com ING:
🔄Adjetivos/Locuções adjetivas :
🔄Advérbios/Locução adverbial:
🔄 Pronomes Relativos(who, which, whom, that) :
🔄 Coordination Conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so):
🔄 Subordination Conjunctions (however/nonetheless/nevertheless/notwithstanding)-(although/though/even though)-(as if/as though)-(as/so long as/provided that)-(despite/in spite of)-(as)-(once)-(otherwise)-(unless)-(untill)-(when/by the time)-(whenever)-(whereas)-(while)-(so that/so as to/in order that/in order to)-(since):
🔄 Correlative Conjunctions(not only...but also, both...and,, either...or, wheter...or, neither...nor) :
🔄 Preposition (in ➜ mês), (on ➜ dia/data), (at➜ hora/momento específico: at night, at midnight, at lunchtime) :
🔄 Passive Voice: Verbo TO BE(no tempo verbal contextual)+VP no particípio passado. :
🔄Expressões idiomáticas :
🔄Tax English - Expressões Técnicas na ÁREA DE TRIBUTAÇÃO:
🔄Oil English - Expressões Técnicas na ÁREA DE PETRÓLEO :
🔄Expressões Técnicas na ÁREA DE FINANÇAS :
🔄Economy English - Expressões Técnicas na ÁREA DE ECONOMIA:
🔄 Comparativos (superioridade) :
🔄Expressões com 'S (Genitive case=proprietário 'S propriedade) ➜ relação de posse , parentesco ou autoria . O proprietário ➜ PESSOA ou ANIMAL, nunca COISA. Recebem 's ➜ NOUN no singular, terminado ou não em s e NOUN no plural não terminados em s. Recebem ' ➜ NOUN no plural, terminado  em s e nomes clássicos, famosos terminados em s. :
🔄 Afixos :
🔄Expressões com frações/números:
🔄Falso cognato:
Agora vamos à prova.
      Questão   25 :

Complete the descriptions of vitamins, minerals and oils with the words below.
  • blood
  • nervous system
  • cardiovascular system
  • immune system
  • skin
Vitamin C is needed to help ___(1) repair itself when it is cut or damaged. It is found in fruit like oranges and grapefruit.

The B-vitamins keep the ___(2) healthy and help reduce stress. They are found  in  foods like whole grain bread and cereals.

Iron helps your ___(3)carry oxygen. If you do not get enough of it, you will be pale and tired and you may get anaemia. It is found in red meats, especially liver.

Zinc makes your ___(4) stronger so that you can fight colds and infections. It is found in shellfish, nuts and seeds.

Fats fuel the body and help absorb some vitamins. They are also the building blocks of hormones and they insulate nervous system tissue in the body. Unsaturated fats, found in oil and nuts, for example, are believed to protect the ___(5).

(A) 1-skin; 2-cardiovascular system; 3-blood; 4-immune system; 5-nervous system.
(B) 1-skin; 2-immune system; 3-nervous system; 4-cardiovascular system; 5-blood.
(C) (1)-skin; (2)-nervous system; (3)-immune system; (4)-blood; (5)-cardiovascular system.
(D) (1)-skin; (2)-nervous system; (3)-blood; (4)-immune system; (5)-cardiovascular system.
(E) (1)-skin; (2)-cardiovascular system; (3)-nervous system; (4)-blood; (5)-immune system.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   D 
"Vitamin-C is needed to help SKIN repair itself when it is cut or damaged. It is found in fruit like oranges and grapefruit."
("A vitamina C é necessária para ajudar a reparar a própria pele quando ela é cortada ou danificada. Ela é encontrada em frutas como laranja e toranja".)
"The B-vitamins keep the NERVOUS SYSTEM healthy and help reduce stress. They are found  in foods like whole grain bread and cereals."
(As vitaminas B mantêm o SISTEMA NERVOSO saudável e ajudam a reduzir o estresse. Eles são encontrados em alimentos como pão integral e cereais.)
"Iron helps your BLOOD carry oxygen. If you do not get enough of it, you will be pale and tired and you may get anaemia. It is found in red meats, especially liver."
(O ferro ajuda o seu SANGUE a transportar oxigênio. Se você não se cansar, ficará pálido e cansado e poderá ter anemia. É encontrado em carnes vermelhas, especialmente fígado.)
"Zinc makes your IMMUNE SYSTEM stronger so that you can fight colds and infections. It is found in shellfish, nuts and seeds."
(O zinco torna o seu SISTEMA IMUNOLÓGICO mais forte para que você possa combater resfriados e infecções. É encontrado em mariscos, nozes e sementes.)
"Fats fuel the body and help absorb some vitamins. They are also the building blocks of hormones and   they insulate nervous system tissue in the body. Unsaturated fats, found in oil and nuts, for example, are believed to protect the CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM."
(As gorduras alimentam o corpo e ajudam a absorver algumas vitaminas. Eles também são os blocos de construção de hormônios e eles isolam o tecido do sistema nervoso no corpo. Acredita-se que gorduras insaturadas, encontradas em óleos e nozes, por exemplo, protegem o SISTEMA CARDIOVASCULAR.)
      Questão   27 :
Read the article and write the number of the paragraph next to its main idea and mark the correct option.
How tall are you? Are you a skateboarder? Do you like to knit? Whoever you are, whatever you do, there is a scholarship for you! 

One student, Ryan, made it his job to get scholarships. He is the son of a farmer and needed more money to come to college. He started applying for scholarships when he was in high school. He received a big scholarship from the college because he is an excellent student. He also won a national competition and received a $5,000 award. Sometimes he worked very hard filling out applications and writing essays for scholarships, even for small amounts of money. By his junior year of college, he had received more than $61,000!

Sure, there are scholarships for good students like Ryan. There are scholarships for good athletes or for students in need. But what about the rest of us? In fact, there are some very surprising scholarships for everyone else. Believe it or not, there is a scholarship for skateboarders with a GPA (Great Point Average) of 2.5 or higher. These student skateboarders can receive $5,000 or $1,000 awards. There is also a scholarship for tall people. Women 5’10” or taller and men 6’2” or taller can apply. These tall students are eligible for $1,000 awards. Don’t worry, short people, there is a scholarship for you if you are 4’10” or shorter. You can get $1,000 too. A milk mustache scholarship goes to 25 students who are excellent students and athletes. They each get $7,500 and their pictures taken with a milk mustache. Finally, a wool competition awards $1,000 and $2,000 to students who knit wool clothes with excellent design and creativity. 

So you don’t have to be a straight A student to get a scholarship. One counselor in our Financial Aid Office says, “It takes time and effort to apply for scholarships, but it is worth it!”
(Fonte:Stories Worth Reading–Cassriel/ Reynolds)
1.____ There are many strange scholarships.
2.____ All students can receive scholarships. 
3.____ Spending time trying to get scholarships is a good idea for many students. 
4.____ One student worked hard applying for a scholarship and received a lot of money.
(A) 1-3; 2-1; 3-4; 4-2 
(B) 1-3; 2-4; 3-3; 4-2 
(C) 1-4; 2-3; 3-4; 4-1 
(D) 1-4; 2-2; 3-1, 4-3 
(E) 1-2; 2-1; 3-4; 4-3
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   A 
1 .____ Há muitas bolsas estranhas.
2 .____ Todos os alunos podem receber bolsas de estudo.
3 .____ Gastar tempo tentando obter bolsas de estudo é uma boa idéia para muitos estudantes.
4 .____ Um aluno trabalhou muito solicitando uma bolsa de estudos e recebeu muito dinheiro.
      Questão   29 :
Match the scholarship with its award and then choose the correct sequence below.
1) Skateboarders              ( ) $1,000
2) Tall people                    ( ) $7,500
3) National competition      ( ) $1,000 to $2,000
4) Milk mustache               ( ) $5,000 or $1,000
5) Wool competition           ( ) $5,000
(A) (5), (1), (2), (3), (4)
(B) (2), (4), (5), (1), (3)
(C) (3), (4), (1), (5), (2)
(D) (2), (1), (5), (4), (3)
(E) (5), (3), (2), (1), (4)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito   A 
      Questão   31 :
Intepret the cartoon and choose the sentence that best denes it.
(A) Having the knowledge of honor codes avoids cheating.
Recent research has shown that a spycam, can greatly improve the honor code.
(B) Cheating can be really improved by spycam.
(C) Spycams are able to signicantly improve the honor code.
(D) Using spycams prevent the honor code.
(E) Spycams can be prevented by the use of the honor code.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito    
*Alternativa (A): Ter o conhecimento dos códigos de honra evita trapacear.
*Alternativa (B): Fraudes pode ser realmente melhorada pela spycam.
*Alternativa (C): Spycams são capazes de melhorar significativamente o código de honra.
*Alternativa (D): O uso de spycams impede o código de honra.
*Alternativa (E): Os spycams podem ser evitados pelo uso do código de honra.
Veja tradução da tirinha:
➽ "Using honor codes to prevent cheating."
(Usando códigos de honra para evitar fraudes.)
➽ "Recent research has shown that a spycam, can greatly improve the honor code."
(Pesquisas recentes mostraram que uma spycam pode melhorar muito o código de honra.)
      Questão   34 :
Read the pair of sentences and mark the options about their meanings.
(A) All options mean the same.
(B) None of them mean the same.
(C) Just options 1.A and 1.B mean the same.
(D) Just options 2.A, 2.B, 3.A. and 3.B mean the same.
(E) Just options 2.A, 2.B,; 4.A, 4.B and 5.A and 5.B do not mean the same.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito    
      Questão   36 :
Read the following text and choose the best phrase to complete the text.
Card playing has brought pleasure to millions of people for some six centuries and is popular the world over, so it is not surprising to discover that thousands of games have been invented. There is a widespread belief that all card games (__1__) but the situation is complex and this idea is best ignored. Widely played games (__2__) in much the same way. National and regional games may have ocial rules published by an organization devoted to the game, but these (__3__) in local and family play. Of course, it is essential to establish a set of rules for club or tournament play, but these (__4__) as rules of the club, not the rules of the game. In homes people play cards for enjoyment and (__5__) and drop rules to suit their tastes. It is because tastes (__6__) and generation to generation that card games evolve. Games that no longer evolve become extinct. No book can do more than (__7__), or are said by other books to be played. Nor should it expect to.
The only important thing is that everybody playing around the same table at the same time should be following the same rules. 
a) are happily ignored
b) have ocial rules
c) describe how games are played
d) vary from place to place
e) should be regarded
f) tend to be played everywhere
g) will naturally introduce
Mark the option that shows the sequence of choices that best completes the text correctly.
(A) 1 – c. 2 – b. 3 – a. 4 – e. 5 – f. 6 – g. 7 – d.
(B) 1 – b. 2 – f. 3 – a. 4 – e. 5 – g. 6 – d. 7 – c.
(C) 1 – d. 2 – f. 3 – a. 4 – e. 5 – g. 6 – b. 7 – c.
(D) 1 – a. 2 – e. 3 – d. 4 – f. 5 – g. 6 – b. 7 – c.
(E) 1 – b. 2 – f. 3 – e. 4 – a. 5 – c. 6 – d. 7 – g. 
👍 Comentários e Gabarito    

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