sábado, 27 de setembro de 2014

"I WAS" versus "And I was" - Pronunciation,Tips.

Hello...Guys!!!...How ya doing?!
Neste post,veremos a diferença de pronúncias entre "I WAS" e "AND I WAS".
  1. A pronúncia lenta de "I WAS" é [ái-uóz].
  2. A pronúncia fluente(rápida) de "I WAS" é [ái'uóz].
  3. "I WAS"[ái'uóz] significa:
  4. "EU ESTAVA" ou
  5. "EU ERA"
  7. É comum a expressão "I WAS REALLY" cuja pronúncia é [ái'uóz-ríri] que significa "Eu realmente estava".
  8. A pronúncia lenta de "AND I WAS" é [end-ái-uóz].
  9. A pronúncia rápida de "AND I WAS" é [enái-uóz].
  10. "AND I WAS"[enái-uóz] significa:
  11. "E EU ESTAVA" ou
  12. "E EU ERA"
  13. Veja exemplos com "I WAS"[ái'uóz]:
  14. "I was there."[ái'uóz-dét]:"Eu estava lá."
  15. "I was stand right here."[ái'uóz-stênd-rái-rríâr)]:"Eu estava de pé bem aqui."
  16. "I was in the house."[ái-uózêna-rráuz]:"Eu estava na casa."
  17. "I was really worried there."[ái'uóz-ríri-uôri-dér]:"Eu realmente estava preocupado lá."
  18. "I was really worried there for a while."[ái'uóz-ríri-uôriDé-fô-uáió]:"Eu realmente estava preocupado lá por um tempo."
  19. "Cause I'm stronger than I was."[kózáim-strongâr-denái-uóz]:"Porque eu sou mais forte do que eu era."
  20. Veja exemplos com "AND I WAS"[enái-uóz]:
  21. "And I was there."[enái-uóz-dét]:"E eu estava lá."
  22. Detalhe:A pronúncia escrita neste blog é uma tentativa de representar a som das palavras de uma maneira mais aproximada do inglês. Isto é feito apenas para ajudar você a entender e tentar pronunciar a palavra de uma maneira mais “correta” levando em consideração que os sons das letras em inglês são bem diferentes dos sons das letras em português. Lembre-se de que é impossível representar fidedignamente a fonética por meio de palavras.
  23. Sugiro também, para complementar a explicação, consultar os excelentes dicionários na internet:
  24. http://dictionary.reference.com/
  25. http://www.merriam-webster.com/

sexta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2014

MPH (Milhas/hora) - Meaning,Pronunciation.

Hello...Guys!!!...How´re you?
Neste post,veremos a unidade de velocidade norte-americana "MPH".
  1. A pronúncia de "MPH" é (Máus-pô-Áué).
  2. "MPH" significa "Milhas por hora".
  3. "MPH"(Máus-pô-Áué) é a unidade de velocidade nos Estados Unidos".
  4. Veja exemplos a seguir:
  5. "25 mph?"(thuêniFáive-Máus-pô-Áué):"25 milhas por hora."
  6. "35 mph?"(Tôri-Fáive-Máus-pô-Áué):"35 milhas por hora."
  7. Detalhe:A pronúncia escrita neste blog é uma tentativa de representar a som das palavras de uma maneira mais aproximada do inglês. Isto é feito apenas para ajudar você a entender e tentar pronunciar a palavra de uma maneira mais “correta” levando em consideração que os sons das letras em inglês são bem diferentes dos sons das letras em português. Lembre-se de que é impossível representar fidedignamente a fonética por meio de palavras.
  8. Sugiro também, para complementar a explicação, consultar os excelentes dicionários na internet:
  9. http://dictionary.reference.com/
  10. http://www.merriam-webster.com/

CESGRANRIO-2011(Março)-Profissional Básico-BNDES - (Aplicada em (27/03/2011) - BANCO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO ECONÔMICO E SOCIAL (BNDES)- Prof° Valdenor Sousa - Prova de INGLÊS resolvida e comentada.

Hey,what's up guys!!!...How have you been?!
👍Neste post, veremos a Prova de INGLÊS - Órgão: BANCO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO ECONÔMICO E SOCIAL – BNDES - Cargo: PROFISSIONAL BÁSICO - Aplicada em 27/03/2011.
CESGRANRIO - Fundação Cesgranrio.
➦01 TEXTO  
👉  TEXTO   "Why Companies Need Less Innovation"(Por que as empresas precisam de menos inovações) 
👉  Tema    
👉  Fonte   http://www.businessweek.com 
[c]Dicionários sugestivos
Caso necessário, sugiro que consulte um dos 04(três) excelentes dicionários a seguir:
[to "]
🔄Phrasal Verbs:
🔄Expressões verbais com o TO BE(simple present/simple past/simple future/ be going to/present continuous/past continuous/future continuous):
🔄Expressões verbais no PERFECT TENSE(present perfect/past perfect/present perfect continuous/past perfect continuous):
🔄Expressões com os 10 modais(can/could/may/might/must/ought to/should/would/will/shall):
🔄Expressões com 30 verbos que transmitem ideia que ALGO CAIU, DESPENCOU, DECLINOU, REDUZIU, ENFRAQUECEU, AFOGOU (fall/flop/faint/drop/droop/down/ decrease/decline/diminish/dwindle/dip/dive/duck/ease/ebb/gasp/lower/mitigate/ plunge/sag/slash/slump/split/shrink/sink/stoop/stumble/wane/weaken/wilt):
🔄Expressões com 25 verbos que transmitem ideia que algo SUBIU,ELEVOU, AUMENTOU, MELHOROU,REAGIU,ABASTECEU,AMPLIOU,(arise,better,boom, boost, broaden, clim, flood, fuel,further,grow,improve,increase,jump,lift,raise,rally,rise, skyrocket, soar, strenghten, surface,surpass,trigger, up, upgrade,widen):
🔄Expressões com 10 verbos que transmitem ideia que ALGO MUDOU, TROCOU, PERMUTOU, TRANSFORMOU,ALTEROU,REFORMOU, SUBSTITUIU, CONVERTEU, ESCAMBOU, MODIFICOU(amend,barter,change,convert, exchange,replace,swap,switch,swop,vary):
🔄Expressões com 20 verbos que transmitem ideia de COMBATE, DISPUTA, LUTA, GUERRA, COLISÃO, ATINGIR, ESPANCAR, SOCAR, BATER(bash,battle,beat, brawl, clash,cuff, fight ,grapple,hit,knock,punch,quarrel,slap,apank,apar, strike, tackle ,tussle,whack,wrestle):
🔄Expressões com verbos com ING:
🔄Expressões com VERBOS EM GERAL:
🔄Adjetivos/Locuções adjetivas:
🔄Expressões com 30 adjetivos que transmitem ideia que ALGO/ALGUÉM ESTÁ EM SITUAÇÃO RUIM/PARA BAIXO/DIFÍCIL (annoying, awful,boring,dim,dire, downward ,dreadful,dull,fearsome,frightful,gloomy,grim,hard,idle,irksome,maddening,misty,murky,nagging,wane,outrageous,pesky,shadowy,sluggish,thankless,thorny,tiresome,troublesome,worrisome,wearisome):
🔄Advérbios/Locução adverbial:
🔄Conectores/Marcadores de discurso:
🔄Expressões comuns naturais:
🔄Expressões idiomáticas:
🔄 Extruturas típicas :
🔄Expressões com 'S (Genitive case=proprietário 'S propriedade):
🔄Expressões com frações/números:
🔄Falso cognato:

Agora, vamos à prova.
Why Companies Need Less Innovation
By Pat Lencioni
          Perhaps the most popular—and misunderstood— term of the first decade of the new millennium is “innovation.” A new stack of books and articles is produced every year asserting the critical importance of innovation for organizations that want to survive, especially during these challenging times. And to a large extent, I agree with that assertion. Unfortunately, most organizations in search of innovation seem to be generating as much cynicism as they are new thinking.
          The problem isn’t so much that we’re overstating the importance of innovation; it’s more about what so many leaders are doing with it. Too many of them are exhorting all of their employees to be more innovative, providing classes and workshops designed to teach everyone how to think outside the box. They’re also doing their best to include innovation on a list of core values, emblazoning the word on annual reports and hallway posters, hoping that this will inspire people to come up with new ideas that will revolutionize the long-term strategic and financial prospects of the company.
          For all the talk about innovation, most executives don’t really like the prospect of their people generating new ways to do things, hoping instead that they’ll simply do what they’re being asked to do in the most enthusiastic, professional way possible. So it is no surprise when leaders get pounded for preaching innovation without really valuing it.
Only a Few Innovators
          What should leaders do? Be more open to new ideas from employees? Probably not. Better yet, they should stop overhyping innovation to the masses and come to the realization that only a limited number of people in any company really needs to be innovative.
          As heretical as that may seem to those who want to believe that “innovation is everyone’s business,” consider that even the most innovative and creative organizations need far more people to be dutiful, enthusiastic, and consistent in their work than innovative or creative.
          Think about a movie set. For every writer or director or actor on the payroll, there are hordes of people who have to be technically proficient, consistent, patient, and disciplined in their responsibilities. If they innovate, the project turns to chaos.
          And the most creative restaurant requires the work of a single chef to design a fabulous menu, and dozens of cooks and waitresses and waiters and dishwashers who will do their jobs with commitment, consistency, and dutifulness. If the cooks innovate, consistency is gone and customers can’t rely on what they’re going to get. Even a high-tech company doesn’t want or need its finance department or sales staff to be truly innovative.
          What should leaders demand of their people, if not innovation? How about a combination of interpersonal creativity and autonomy? “Creatonomy.” I realize that sounds like a protein drink for bodybuilders; however, what it means is that we need our employees to take complete responsibility to do their jobs and satisfy customers in the most effective and charismatic way possible, but within the bounds of sound business principles. For those who say “Well, that’s what we mean when we use the word ‘innovation’,” one needs to realize that it’s not what employees are hearing.
The Creatonomy Factor
           Creatonomy is something that thrives in great companies. The world’s best airlines, quick-service restaurant companies, department stores, and entrepreneurial businesses excel in it. Their employees are passionate and committed and take complete responsibility for their work, consistently turning customers into loyal fans. Sure, they’re encouraged to share their ideas about new ways to work, but most of what they are known for is being great at what has already been defined as the product or service that their company offers. And most leaders I know would take that any day, even before innovation.
          There is one group of people in an organization that has to exercise the capacity for innovation, regardless of their functional area. That group is the leadership team. Those who are chartered with overseeing a company’s various departments from the top are the keepers of innovation. They are ultimately responsible for determining the boundaries of change that are acceptable and, perhaps most important of all, identifying the handful of others within their departments who have the invitation and freedom to innovate.
          Therefore, if you’re a leader, the next time you think about giving a speech or sending out an e-mail calling for your people to innovate, consider being more specific about what you really want from them. And if you really believe that your organization isn’t innovative enough, focus your efforts first on the people at the top.
http://www.businessweek.com/innovate/content/aug2010/ id20100825_409624.htm, retrieved on December 19, 2010. (slightly adapted)
👉  Questão   21 
The author's intention in this text is to
(A) warn organizations that 21st century employees should abandon creatonomy at work.
(B) clarify the scope of innovation in business environments and restrain its relevance to certain jobs.
(C) blame employees for distorting the original meaning of innovation for their benefit.
(D) encourage employees to become more creative and innovative than the leadership team.
(E) suggest that top leaders in industrial companies should avoid being innovative.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito - Questão  21(B) 
👉  Questão   22 
The fragment “…to teach everyone how to think outside the box.” (lines 15-16) suggests that company leaders are
(A) stimulating employees to adopt classic ways of thinking and behaving.
(B) defending that all workers must learn to organize their materials in classified boxes.
(C) showing their employees how to look further and see things from unconventional perspectives.
(D) finding ways to criticize the business executives’ lateral thought processes which contradict standard ideas.
(E) planning new courses and training sessions that will teach workers to follow all of the norms for out-of-company procedures.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito - Questão  22(C) 
👉  Questão   23 
In “…only a limited number of people in any company really needs to be innovative.” (lines 34-35), the fragment “really needs to be” transmits the idea of
(A) minor ability
(B) strong necessity
(C) weak possibility
(D) severe regulation
(E) inevitable advice
👍 Comentários e Gabarito - Questão  23(B) 
👉  Questão   24 
In the fragments “…this will inspire people to come up with new ideas that will revolutionize the long-term strategic and financial prospects of the company.” (lines 19-22) and “…customers can’t rely on what they’re going to get.” (lines 52-53), “come up with” and “rely on” could be replaced in the text with, respectively,
(A) suggest – depend on
(B) propose – calculate
(C) supply – understand
(D) borrow – count on
(E) discard – believe in
👍 Comentários e Gabarito - Questão  24(A) 
👉  Questão   25 
In paragraphs 6 and 7 (lines 42-55), the contexts of a movie set and a creative restaurant are mentioned to illustrate the fact that
(A) those are the only areas in which innovation is, definitely, not welcome.
(B) only actors and cooks are allowed to take innovative actions in their jobs.
(C) chefs and movie directors must excel in innovation just as every business employee.
(D) all employees in the entertainment industry are taught to be innovative and creative all the time.
(E) in all business contexts, innovation and creativity  are essential aptitudes for only a part of the professionals.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito - Questão  25(E) 
👉  Questão   26 
In terms of reference,
(A) “...it.” (line 13) refers to “...problem...” (line 11)
(B) “...them...” (line 13) refers to “...employees...” (line 14)
(C) “...it.” (line 29) refers to “...surprise...” (line 28) (D) “they...” (line 32) refers to “...leaders...” (line 31)
(E) “...that...” (line 81) refers to “...innovation.” (line 81)
👍 Comentários e Gabarito - Questão  26(D) 
👉  Questão   27 
The question “What should leaders demand of their people, if not innovation?” (lines 56-57) implies that (A) people feel that innovation only matters for demanding business leaders.
(B) innovation is not in demand for all leaders and customers.
(C) innovation is irrelevant for most business leaders nowadays. 
(D) leaders should require all their people to be innovative.
(E) leaders should expect their subordinates to develop skills other than innovation.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito - Questão  27(E) 
👉  Questão   28 
The boldfaced item is synonymous with the expression in parentheses in 
(A) “Unfortunately, most organizations in search of innovation seem to be generating as much cynicism as they are new thinking.” – lines 7-10 – (Definitely). (B) “So it is no surprise when leaders get pounded for preaching innovation without really valuing it.” – lines 27-29 – (Nonetheless).
(C) “If they innovate, the project turns to chaos.” – lines 45-46 – (Although).
(D) “however, what it means is that we need our employees to take complete responsibility to do their jobs…” – lines 59-61 – (moreover).
(E) “Therefore, if you’re a leader, the next time you think about giving a speech or sending out an e-mail calling for your people to innovate,” – lines 91-93 – (Thus).
👍 Comentários e Gabarito - Questão  28(E) 
👉  Questão   29 
Based on the meanings in the text,
(A) “...asserting...” (line 4) and denying are synonyms. 
(B) “...overstating...” (line 11) and emphasizing  express similar ideas.
(C) “...exhorting...” (line 14) and encouraging are antonyms.
(D) “...prospect...” (line 24) and possibility express contradictory ideas. 
(E) “...thrives...” (line 68) can not be substituted by 
👍 Comentários e Gabarito - Questão  29(B) 
👉  Questão   30 
The author defends ‘creatonomy’ at work because
(A) creativity and autonomy are the only characteristics required of business leaders.
(B) employees should be extremely innovative and avoid following the norms for their jobs.
(C) customers request to be attended to by business assistants who follow the politeness principles.
(D) employees should be able to act responsibly and serve their clients appropriately and pleasantly. 
(E) people working in the same company should share feelings of harmony and credibility.
👍 Comentários e Gabarito - Questão  30(D) 

CESGRANRIO-PETROBRAS DISTRIBUIDORA-2008-Concurso Público para Nível Superior(Todos os cargos) da PETROBRAS DISTRIBUIDORA(Petrobras Distribuidora S.A.) - Profº Valdenor Sousa - Prova de INGLÊS com gabarito e questões comentadas.

Hey, what's up my friends!!!...How have you been?! Welcome back to another post!
Neste post, veremos a Prova de INGLÊS-CESGRANRIO-2008 da PETROBRAS DISTRIBUIDORA-Cargo:Nível Superior(Todos os cargos)-Prova aplicada em 28/09/2008.

LEITURA de textos de jornais,revistas, websites, blogs e cartoons a seguir, é um excelente treino para a prova OBJETIVA de inglês com 10 questões.
[a]Banca Organizadora do Concurso Público 
[b]Padrão/Composição da prova 
➦01 Texto.
10 Questões(múltiplas escolhas com 05 alternativas cada)
➦Reading Comprehension(Compreensão textual).
➦Use of english(uso do inglês).
👉  TEXTO   "Money Doesn't Grow on Trees, But Gasoline Might"(O dinheiro não cresce nas árvores, mas a gasolina pode) 
👉  Tema    
👉  Fonte   http://www.nsf.gov 
[c]Dicionários sugestivos
Caso necessário, sugiro que consulte um dos 04(três) excelentes dicionários a seguir:
[to "]
🔄Phrasal Verbs:
🔄Expressões verbais com o TO BE(simple present/simple past/simple future/ be going to/present continuous/past continuous/future continuous):
🔄Expressões verbais no PERFECT TENSE(present perfect/past perfect/present perfect continuous/past perfect continuous):
🔄Expressões com os 10 modais(can/could/may/might/must/ought to/should/would/will/shall):
🔄Expressões com 30 verbos que transmitem ideia que ALGO CAIU, DESPENCOU, DECLINOU, REDUZIU, ENFRAQUECEU, AFOGOU (fall/flop/faint/drop/droop/down/ decrease/decline/diminish/dwindle/dip/dive/duck/ease/ebb/gasp/lower/mitigate/ plunge/sag/slash/slump/split/shrink/sink/stoop/stumble/wane/weaken/wilt):
🔄Expressões com 25 verbos que transmitem ideia que algo SUBIU,ELEVOU, AUMENTOU, MELHOROU,REAGIU,ABASTECEU,AMPLIOU,(arise,better,boom, boost, broaden, clim, flood, fuel,further,grow,improve,increase,jump,lift,raise,rally,rise, skyrocket, soar, strenghten, surface,surpass,trigger, up, upgrade,widen):
🔄Expressões com 10 verbos que transmitem ideia que ALGO MUDOU, TROCOU, PERMUTOU, TRANSFORMOU,ALTEROU,REFORMOU, SUBSTITUIU, CONVERTEU, ESCAMBOU, MODIFICOU(amend,barter,change,convert, exchange,replace,swap,switch,swop,vary):
🔄Expressões com 20 verbos que transmitem ideia de COMBATE, DISPUTA, LUTA, GUERRA, COLISÃO, ATINGIR, ESPANCAR, SOCAR, BATER(bash,battle,beat, brawl, clash,cuff, fight ,grapple,hit,knock,punch,quarrel,slap,apank,apar, strike, tackle ,tussle,whack,wrestle):
🔄Expressões com verbos com ING:
🔄Expressões com VERBOS EM GERAL:
🔄Adjetivos/Locuções adjetivas:
🔄Expressões com 30 adjetivos que transmitem ideia que ALGO/ALGUÉM ESTÁ EM SITUAÇÃO RUIM/PARA BAIXO/DIFÍCIL (annoying, awful,boring,dim,dire, downward ,dreadful,dull,fearsome,frightful,gloomy,grim,hard,idle,irksome,maddening,misty,murky,nagging,wane,outrageous,pesky,shadowy,sluggish,thankless,thorny,tiresome,troublesome,worrisome,wearisome):
🔄Advérbios/Locução adverbial:
🔄Conectores/Marcadores de discurso:
🔄Expressões comuns naturais:
🔄Expressões idiomáticas:
🔄 Extruturas típicas :
🔄Expressões com 'S (Genitive case=proprietário 'S propriedade):
🔄Expressões com frações/números:
🔄Falso cognato:
Agora, vamos à prova.
Money Doesn't Grow on Trees, But Gasoline Might
Researchers make breakthrough in creating gasoline from plant matter, with almost no carbon footprint
April 7, 2008
National Science Foundation
Researchers have made a breakthrough in the development of “green gasoline,” a liquid identical to standard gasoline yet created from sustainable biomass sources like switchgrass and poplar trees. Reporting in the cover article of the April 7, 2008 issue of Chemistry & Sustainability, Energy & Materials, chemical engineer and National Science Foundation (NSF) researcher George Huber of the University of Massachusetts-Amherst and his graduate students announced the first direct conversion of plant cellulose into gasoline components.
Even though it may be 5 to 10 years before green gasoline arrives at the pump or finds its way into a jet airplane, these breakthroughs have bypassed significant difficulties to bringing green gasoline biofuels to market. “It is likely that the future consumer will not even know that they are putting biofuels into their car,” said Huber.
“Biofuels in the future will most likely be similar in chemical composition to gasoline and diesel fuel used today. The challenge for chemical engineers is to efficiently produce liquid fuels from biomass while fitting into the existing infrastructure today.”
For their new approach, the UMass researchers rapidly heated cellulose in the presence of solid catalysts, materials that speed up reactions without sacrificing themselves in the process. They then rapidly cooled the products to create a liquid that contains many of the compounds found in gasoline. The entire process was completed in less than two minutes using relatively moderate amounts of heat.
“Green gasoline is an attractive alternative to bioethanol since it can be used in existing engines and does not incur the 30 percent gas mileage penalty of ethanol-based flex fuel,” said John Regalbuto, who directs the Catalysis and Biocatalysis Program at NSF and supported this research.
“In theory it requires much less energy to make than ethanol, giving it a smaller carbon footprint and making it cheaper to produce,” Regalbuto said. “Making it from cellulose sources such as switchgrass or poplar trees grown as energy crops, or forest or agricultural residues such as wood chips or corn stover, solves the lifecycle greenhouse gas problem that has recently surfaced with corn ethanol and soy biodiesel.”
Beyond academic laboratories, both small businesses and petroleum refiners are pursuing green gasoline. Companies are designing ways to hybridizetheir existing refineries to enable petroleum products including fuels, textiles, and plastics to be made from either crude oil or biomass and the military community has shown strong interest in making jet fuel and diesel from the same sources.
“Huber’s new process for the direct conversion of cellulose to gasoline aromatics is at the leading edge of the new ‘Green Gasoline’ alternate energy paradigm that NSF, along with other federal agencies, is helping to promote,” states Regalbuto.
👉 Questão  11 :
The main purpose of this text is to
(A) report on a new kind of  fuel that might harm the environment.
(B) advertise the recent findings of chemical engineers concerning gasoline components.
(C) criticize the latest research on biofuels that could not find a relevant alternative to oil.
(D) justify why corn ethanol and soy biodiesel are the best alternatives to standard gasoline.
(E) announce a significant advance in the development of an eco friendly fuel that may impact the market.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  E 
👉 Questão  12 :
According to the text, it is NOT correct to affirm that green gasoline
(A) is cheaper to produce than ethanol.
(B) derives from vegetables and plants.
(C) can already be used in jet airplanes.
(D) requires much less energy to make than ethanol.
(E) results in smaller amounts of carbon emissions than ethanol.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C 
👉 Questão  13 :
In the sentence “‘It is likely that the future consumer will not even know that they are putting biofuels into their car,’” (lines 16-17), “It is likely that” could be substituted by
(A) Surely.
(B) Certainly.
(C) Probably.
(D) Obviously.
(E) Undoubtedly.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  C 
👉 Questão  14 :
The item “themselves” (line 27) refers to
(A) “researchers” (line 24).
(B) “materials” (line 26).
(C) “reactions” (line 26).
(D) “compounds” (line 29).
(E) “amounts” (line 31).

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B 
👉 Questão  15 :
Which alternative contains a correct correspondence of meaning?
(A) “speed up” (line 26) means accelerate.
(B) “rapidly” (line 27) is the opposite of quickly.
(C) “entire” (line 29) could not be replaced by whole.
(D) “residues” (line 43) and leftovers are antonyms. (E) “surfaced” (line 45) and emerged are not synonyms.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A 
👉 Questão  16 :
Mark the sentence in which the idea introduced by the word in bold type is correctly described.
(A) “Even though it may be 5 to 10 years before green gasoline arrives at the pump or finds its way into a jet airplane,” (lines 12-14) – comparison
(B) “…while fitting into the existing infrastructure today.” (lines 22-23) – consequence
(C) “…then rapidly cooled the products to create a liquid that contains many of the compounds found in gasoline.” (lines 27-29) – contrast
(D) “‘Green gasoline is an attractive alternative to bioethanol since it can be used in existing engines…’”  (lines 3233) – reason
(E) “‘Making it from cellulose sources such as switchgrass or poplar trees grown as energy crops,” (lines 40-42) – addition

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  D 
👉 Questão  17 :
Paragraph 4 (lines 24-31) informs that UMass researchers produce green gasoline by
(A) creating a hot liquid from standard gasoline adding catalysts.
(B) using cellulose with liquids that catalyze gasoline in less than two minutes.
(C) applying moderate heat to compounds found in gasoline to produce a solid catalyst.
(D) slowly cooling the product of solid catalystic reactions which will produce cellulose.
(E) heating cellulose with specific catalysts and then cooling the product so it transforms into a liquid.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  E 
👉 Questão  18 :
According to this text, it might be said that corn ethanol and soy biodiesel have
(A) contributed to the greenhouse gas problem.
(B) increased consumption in cars by 30 percent.

(C) produced residues such as wood chips or corn stover.
(D) caused the extinction of sustainable biomass sources.
(E) generated a smaller carbon footprint than green gasoline.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  A 
👉 Questão  19 :
The text says that research on green gasoline has
(A) had no printed space in scientific journals.
(B) not received support from scientific foundations. (C) found no interest among the military and the businessmen.
(D) been neglected by academic laboratories and graduate research programs.
(E) had to overcome problems to discover an efficient means of producing and marketing this fuel.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  E 
👉 Questão  20 :
The title of the text, “Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees, But Gasoline Might”, refers to the
(A) planting of trees near oil wells that produce gasoline.
(B) exciting possibility of  developing an effective green fuel.
(C) amazing solution of diluting gasoline with forest and agricultural residues.
(D) incredible discovery of trees that produce more when irrigated with a mixture of gasoline.
(E) sensational invention of new green fuel that will cost three million dollars in reforestation.

👍 Comentários e Gabarito  B 