sábado, 19 de março de 2016

MACKENZIE-2013 - GRUPOS 2,3 - LÍNGUA INGLESA - Vestibular da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie/SP - Prova com gabarito.

Welcome back to another post!

➧ PROVA DE LÍNGUA INGLESAMACKENZIE-SP-2013-VESTIBULAR-Grupos (II - III), aplicada em 08/12/2012. 

➧ BANCA/ORGANIZADORUniversidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie/SP.

 PADRÃO/COMPOSIÇÃO DA PROVA: 07 questões do tipo (A,B,C,D,E).


01-C,  02-D,  03-E,  04-A,  05-B,  06-C,  07-C

• Directions: Look at the chart in Text I:

TEXTO 1The following text refers to questions 01 and 02.

Will Melinda Gates Change the Game for Women?

She plans to use the Gates Foundation’s billions to revolutionize contraception worldwide.

In the 12 years since Melinda Gates and her husband, Bill, created the Gates Foundation, the world’s largest philanthropic organization, she has done a lot of traveling. A reserved woman who has long been wary of the public glare attached to the Gates name, she comes alive,  her associates say, when she’s visiting the foundation’s projects in remote corners of the world. “You get her out in the field with a group of women, sitting on a mat or under a tree or in a hut, she is totally in her element, totally comfortable,” says Gary Darmstadt, director of family health at the foundation’s global health program.

Visiting vaccine programs in sub-Saharan Africa, Gates would often ask women at remote clinics what else they needed. Very often, she says, they would speak urgently about birth control. “Women sitting on a bench 20 of them, immediately they’ll start speaking out and saying, ‘I wish I had that injection I used to get,’” says Gates. “‘I came to this clinic three  months ago, and I got my injection. I came last week, and I couldn’t get it, and I’m here again.’”

They were talking about Depo-Provera, which is popular in many poor countries because women need to take it only four times a year, and because they can hide it, if necessary, from unsupportive husbands. As Gates discovered, injectable contraceptives, like many other forms of birth control, are frequently out of stock in clinics in the developing world, a result of both funding shortages and supply-chain problems.

Women would tell her that they’d left their farms and walked for hours, sometimes with children in tow, often without the knowledge of their husbands, in their fruitless search for the shot. “I was just stunned by how vociferous women were about what they wanted,” she says.

Because of those women, Gates made a decision that’s likely to change lives all over the world. As she revealed in an exclusive interview with Newsweek, she has decided to make family planning her signature issue and primary public health a priority.

01  (MACKENZIE-SP-2013 - GRUPOS 2, 3) 

Which question below CANNOT be answered with information from the text?

a) How often do women have to take Depo-Provera as part of a contraceptive treatment?
b) What is Melinda Gates like?
c) How come some women's husbands are so unsupportive in situations like these?
d) When was the Gates Foundation created?
e) Why are clinics in the developing world out of injectable contraceptives?

02  (MACKENZIE-SP-2013 - GRUPOS 2, 3) 

The sentence

"Gates would often ask women at remote clinics what else they needed"

in the direct speech is

a) Gates will ask to the women at remote clinics "What else have you needed?"
b) "What else did you need?", Gates asked women at remote clinics.
c) Gates often asked to the women at remote clinics: "What else does she need?"
d) "What else do you need?", Gates usually asked women at remote clinics.
e) Gates occasionally questioned the women at remote clinics about what they needed.

• TEXTO 2The following text refers to questions 03 and 04.

Baby it's you

Hal David & Burt Bacharach
Barney Williams
Recorded 11, 20 February 1963
Lennon ___( I )___ slightly ill-at-ease on his own songs, but with covers, he already had the confidence of a born interpreter. The group's boyish harmonies didn't distract him from giving another Shirelles hit a commanding vocal performance that marked him out as The Beatles' most distinctive voice.

03  (MACKENZIE-SP-2013 - GRUPOS 2, 3)

The verb that properly fills in blank I in the text is

a) would have sounded.
b) would rather have sounded.
c) had better sound.
d) should sound.
e) may have sounded.

04  (MACKENZIE-SP-2013 - GRUPOS 2, 3)

According to the song review,

a) Lennon was not self-confident enough while singing his own songs.
b) Lennon gave The Shirelles a hit single called “Baby it’s you”, recorded by Burt Bacharach and Hal David.
c) Lennon’s harmonic voice turned him into a boyish born interpreter.
d) Both The Beatles and The Shirelles reached a remarkable performance while on stage.
e) The Beatles, whose voices sounded really distinctive, covered many of The Shirelles hits confidently.

• TEXTO 3The following text refers to questions 05 to 07.

Join my new club, "tgit"

Until now, the business world was primarily made of two clubs. The most popular club, by far, was the "TGIF" club, or "Thank God It's Friday.” To be a member of this club, your primary focus is on the weekend. Members think about, anticipate, and look forward to Fridays so that they can get away from their work. Most members are highly stressed because only two days of the week are considered "good days." Even Sunday is considered stressful because the next day they have to go back to work. 

The other business club is substantially smaller, yet in some ways the members are more dedicated to the club. This one is called "TGIM," or "Thank God It's Monday." These members are usually workaholics who can’t stand weekends because they are away from work! Members of this club are also highly stressed because while there are generally five days of the week to be preoccupied with work, there is always that darn weekend that gets in the way! The most difficult day of the week is usually Friday, because it often means the member won’t be able to get back to work for a few days. They may try to work on weekends, but the demands of family get in the way. Needless to say, members of both clubs think members of the “other club” are completely nuts!

I invite you to join an alternate club. My hope is that together, we can eventually achieve a 100 percent membership. In fact, I’d love to put the other two clubs out of business altogether! This new club is called "TGIT," or "Thank God It's Today." Members of this club are happy seven days a week because they understand that every day is unique, and each brings with it different gifts. Members of this club are grateful to be alive; they rejoice in their many blessings and expect each day to be full of wonder, surprise, and opportunity. 

There are no qualifications necessary to join the “TGIT” club, other than the desire to have a higher quality of life and the desire to appreciate rather than dread each day. Members of this club understand that it’s useless to wish any day were different. They know that Mondays don't care if you like them or not – they simply go on being Mondays. Likewise, Fridays will come around every seventh day, ___( I )___. It’s up to each of us to make every day as special as it can be. No amount of wishing will make the slightest bit of difference.
Don't sweat the small stuff
By Richard Carlson

05  (MACKENZIE-SP-2013 - GRUPOS 2, 3)

The sentence that properly fills in blank I in the text is

a) if you don't wish to be Friday.
b) whether you wish it were Friday or not.
c) if you wish to be Friday or not.
d) whether or not you wish they were Friday.
e) if you are on a Friday or not.

06  (MACKENZIE-SP-2013 - GRUPOS 2, 3)

In the sentence,

"they rejoice in their many blessings, ..." 

the verb to rejoice in means

a) to enable something to happen.
b) to relate something funny to something outstanding.
c) to be very happy about something.
d) to make an idea, belief on feeling stronger.
e) to congratulate somebody on something.

07  (MACKENZIE-SP-2013 - GRUPOS 2, 3)

The text states that

a) the “TGIF” club is made up of hundreds of people who believe being a workaholic is what lifts their spirits.
b) on the whole, people dread the fact that they will have to be back to work Monday morning and face the “TGIM” club members.
c) the “TGIT” club nowadays has reached a 100 percent membership due to the fact that it accepts members from both “TGIF” and “TGIM”.
d) while some people can't put up with weekends, others look forward to them.
e) families usually demand that their members be back home early in order to relieve stress although the families know their members make no difference in their lives.

domingo, 13 de março de 2016


Welcome back to another post!

➧ BANCA/ORGANIZADORUNICAMP-UNICAMP/COMVEST - Comissão Permanente para os Vestibulares.



(Disponível em
Acessado em 15/07/2012.)

a) O que o primeiro cartaz anuncia?

b) O que o segundo cartaz indica?


(A) ANÚNCIO do 1º cartaz
➦ Venda/Liquidação – a coleção de verão – com até 50% de desconto.

(B) ANÚNCIO do 2º cartaz
Estacionamento Público aberto 24hs.


So long, Facebook!

Andrea Bennett, 18 August 2012.

I've deleted my Facebook:

I was tired of having to check my profile all the time and I just felt overexposed and ready to trade my computer for sunshine.

I don't need Facebook, and Facebook probably doesn't need me. Right? Right... But those of us without Facebook run the risk of being considered abnormal or eccentric, or not being hired by potential employers who distrust people who don't use the site.

(Adaptado de http://www.adbusters.org/blogs/adbusters-blog/so-long-facebook.html. Acessado em 12/09/2012.)

a) Como a autora do texto acima estava se sentindo antes de fechar sua conta no Facebook?

b) Quais são, segundo o texto, os riscos de não ter uma conta no Facebook?


➦ A autora se sentia cansada de ter que verificar o perfil dela no Facebook a todo o momento, sentia-se ainda superexposta e muito enclausurada, pois menciona estar pronta para trocar o computador por uma 'luz do sol'..

➦ Os riscos são o de se sentir 'anormal' ou 'excêntrico', ou 'não ser contratado' por possíveis empregadores que desconfiam de pessoas que não usam o Facebook.

(Disponível em http://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2012/05/21. Acessado em 19/09/2012.)

a) O que Calvin, o menino da tirinha acima, pretende fazer quando crescer?

b) Indique duas razões pelas quais Calvin pretende agir desse modo.



➦ Calvin não vai ler jornal, não vai acompanhar questões complexas e nem vai votar, conforme no 1º quadrinho:
➦ "When I grow up, I'm not going to read the newspaper and I'm not going to follow complex issues and I'm not going to vote."
(Quando eu crescer, não vou ler o jornal e não vou acompanhar questões complexas e não vou votar.)

➦ RAZÃO 1: Calvin 'poderá reclamar que o governo não o representa' e ainda, quando tudo estiver arruinado, ele dirá que 'o sistema não funciona', justificando desse modo, sua falta de participação, conforme os trechos:
- When I grow up, I'm not going to read the newspaper and I'm not going to follow complex issues and I'm not going to vote. 
Quando eu crescer, não vou ler o jornal e não vou acompanhar questões complexas e não vou votar.
- That way, I can complain that the government doesn't represent me.
Dessa forma, posso reclamar que o governo não me representa.
- Then when everything goes down the tubes, I can say the system doesn't work and justify my further lack of participation.
Então, quando tudo estiver arruinado, posso dizer que o sistema não funciona e justificar minha falta de participação.

➦ RAZÃO 2: É muito mais divertido culpar as coisas do que consertá-las, conforme o trecho:
- It's a lot more fun to blame things than to fix them.
É muito mais divertido culpar as coisas do que consertá-las.

• 1º quadrinho:
When I grow up, I'm not going to read the newspaper and I'm not going to follow complex issues and I'm not going to vote.
Quando eu crescer, não vou ler o jornal e não vou acompanhar questões complexas e não vou votar.
• 2º quadrinho:
That way, I can complain that the government doesn't represent me.
- Dessa forma, posso reclamar que o governo não me representa.
• 3º quadrinho:
- Then when everything goes down the tubes, I can say the system doesn't work and justify my further lack of participation.
Então, quando tudo estiver arruinado, posso dizer que o sistema não funciona e justificar minha falta de participação.
• 4º quadrinho :
an ingeniously self-fulfilling plan.
- um plano engenhosamente auto-realizável.
• It's a lot more fun to blame things than to fix them.
É muito mais divertido culpar as coisas do que consertá-las.



I first met Dean not long after my wife and I split up. I had just gotten over a serious illness that I won't bother to talk about except that it had something to do with the miserably weary split-up and my feeling that everything was dead. With the coming of Dean Moriarty began the part of my life you could call my life on the road. Before that l'd often dreamed of going West to see the country, always vaguely planning and never taking off. First reports of Dean carne to me through Chad King, who'd shown me a few letters from him written in a New México reform school. I was tremendously interested in the letters because they so naively and sweetly asked Chad to teach him all about Nietzsche and all the wonderful intellectual things that Chad knew. At one point Carlo and I talked about the letters and wondered if we would ever meet the strange Dean Moriarty.

(Adaptado de J.Kerouac, On the Road.
Londres: Penguin Books, 1972, p. 3.)

a) Cite dois acontecimentos na vida do narrador que antecederam o encontro com Dean Moriarty.

b) O que fazia frequentemente o narrador antes desse encontro?


(A) SEPARAÇÃO (narrador e a mulher) e uma DOENÇA GRAVE(do narrador):

➦ Na há informação no texto que o narrador encontrou Dean Moriarty pessoalmente;
➦ O texto revela que houve um "encontro virtual" que se deu através do que Chad King contou, e cartas atribuídas a Moriarty que foram mostradas ao narrador. vote."
(Quando eu crescer, não vou ler o jornal e não vou acompanhar questões complexas e não vou votar.).

SONHAR FREQUENTEMENTE em ir para a costa oeste conhecer o país.


Photoshopping Our Souls Away
By Sarey Martin Mclvor

In 2011, the American Medical Association, the most respected group of medical 
professionals in the U.S., took a public stance against the way media "corrects" photographs f humans, arguing that it is a leading cause of anorexia, the third most common mental chronic disorder in adolescents.
It's bad enough that most models are part of a gene pool and age group that encompasses a very small percentage of the population. But now, they are photographing these folks and manipulating their skin, their weight, and proportions to make them into perfect alien life forms that exist only in a computer.
Adaptado de
http://darlingmagazine.org/author/sarey-martin-mcivor/. Acessado em 18/12/2012.)

a) O que fez a American Medical Association em 2011 e por quê?

b) Justifique o título do texto.


(A) EMITIU OPINIÃO desfavorável sobre a forma como os meios de comunicação corrigem as fotos das pessoas. Por causa do AUMENTO considerável de casos de ANOREXIA entre adolescentes.

(B) O título "Photoshopping nossas almas ausentes" indica como a manipulação de fotos em computador mostra uma pessoa que não existe, que parece não ter vida, alma. O título usa o substantivo próprio "Photoshop"(aplicativo de edição de fotos) como verbo, junto à partícula "away", formando assim um Phrasal Verb.


How to feed a hungry world

With the world's population expected to grow from 6.8 billion today to 9.1 billion by 2050, 
a certain Malthusian alarmism has set in: how will all these extra mouths be fed? The world's population more than doubled from 3 billion between 1961 and 2007, yet agricultural output kept pace — and current projections suggest it will continue to do so.

Producing enough food for the world's population in 2050 will require a wholesale realignment of priorities in agricultural research. There is an urgent need for new seed varieties that offer higher yields but use less water, fertilizers or other inputs and are more resistant to drought, heat and pests.
Equally crucial is lower-tech research into basics such as crop rotation, soil management and curbing waste - between one-quarter and one-third of the food produced worldwide is lost or spoiled.
(Adaptado de Nature, n. 466, p. 531-532, jul. 2010.)

a) No período de 1961 a 2007, qual foi, segundo o texto, a relação entre o crescimento da população e a produção agrícola?

b) Além de investigações sobre novas variedades de sementes, que outras pesquisas seriam necessárias, segundo o texto, para garantir uma produção suficiente de alimentos em 2050?


(A) A população dobrou mais de 3 bilhões e a produção agrícola conseguiu acompanhar o passo deste crescimento.

(B) Rotatividade das lavouras, gerenciamento do solo, e FREIO no de desperdício de alimentos. 

sábado, 12 de março de 2016


Welcome back to another post!


➧ PROVA DE LÍNGUA INGLESAUNICAMP/SP-2012-2ª FASE (13/01/2012) -Vestibular da Universidade Estadual de Campinas.

➧ BANCA/ORGANIZADORUNICAMP/COMVEST - Comissão Permanente para os Vestibulares –  www.unicamp.br


01  (UNICAMP-SP-2012-2ª Fase) 

(Adaptado de http://postsecretarchive.com/2005/09/9-3-2005/. Acessado em 01/07/2011.)

a) A que experiência o autor do post acima faz referência?

b) Por que motivo o autor da mensagem se sente agradecido?

02  (UNICAMP-SP-2012-2ª Fase)

By James Oliver

We're losing the war against obesity in the US. It's 
sad, but true. Our kids are growing up overweight and malnourished from a diet of processed foods, and today's children will be the first generation ever to live shorter lives than their parents. It's time for change. It’s time we switch to fresh food and home cooking. It's time for a Food Revolution.

(Adaptado de http://www.jamieoliver.com/foundation/jamies-food-revolution/. Acessado em 28/09/2011.)

a) Quais são, segundo o texto, as consequências da atual dieta das crianças norte-americanas?

b) No que consiste a revolução alimentar proposta por James Oliver?

03  (UNICAMP-SP-2012-2ª Fase)
(Adaptado de http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive.php?comicid=1017/. Acessado em 28/09/2011.)

a) Na "equação" apresentada no retângulo à direita do cartum, o que "x" representa? Como saber o valor de "x" nessa “equação”?

b) O que o cartum tem a dizer sobre quem se senta próximo à saída? E sobre quem se senta encostado à parede?

04  (UNICAMP-SP-2012-2ª Fase)

(Adaptado de http://politicalhumor.about.com/od/politicalcartoons/ig/Political-Cartoons/Federal-Spending-Waste.htm. Acessado em 30/09/2011.)

a) Indique dois tipos de gastos específicos do governo federal norte-americano explicitados no cartum.

b) Qual é a crítica feita pelo cartum ao americano médio?

05  (UNICAMP-SP-2012-2ª Fase)

The World Without Us by Alan Weisman – a book review 
Imagining the consequences of a single thought experience – what would happen if the human species were suddenly extinguished –Weisman has written a sort of pop-science ghost story, in which the whole earth is the haunted house. Among the highlights: with pumps not working, the New York City subways would fill with water within days, while weeds and then trees would retake the streets. Texas's unattended petrochemical complexes might ignite, scattering hydrogen cyanide to the winds – a "mini chemical nuclear winter." After thousands of years, rubber tires, and more than a billion tons of plastic might remain, and eventually a polymer-eating microbe could evolve, and, with the spectacular return of fish and bird populations, the earth might revert to Eden.

(Adaptado de http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/031234729/sc /sciencedaily-20. Acessado em 10/10/2011.)

a) O que, segundo o texto, aconteceria em Nova Yorque, caso ocorresse uma repentina extinção da espécie humana?

b) Segundo o texto, quais poderiam ser as consequências da permanência de pneus e plásticos na Terra, milhares de anos após o desaparecimento dos seres humanos?

06  (UNICAMP-SP-2012-2ª Fase)

The March on Washington

When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the 
Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 

It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honouring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds."

But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great depositories of opportunity of this nation. So we have come to our nation's capital to cash this check.

(Adaptado de http://www.mlkonline.net/dream.html. Acessado em 28/09/2011.)

a) Na linguagem metafórica do texto, um trecho do discurso proferido por Martin Luther King em 1963, a que se refere a "nota promissória" emitida pelos Estados Unidos da América?

b) Que crenças levaram os negros norte-americanos a irem a Washington "sacar o cheque" que a América lhes deu?

quarta-feira, 9 de março de 2016

Questões Inglês 15 e 16 - Vestibular da UFSC-2012.

Hey,what's up guys!!!...How have you been?!
"Ei..e aí Pessoal!...Como estão?!...Tudo bem?"
👍Neste post,veremos questões 15 e 16 referentes ao TEXTO 2 do vestibular da UFSC/2012.
            At Greenheart Travel we are passionate about helping people reach their full potential through unforgettable experiences abroad. Whether you want to teach in the Republic of Georgia, spend a high school semester in Spain or volunteer with the Maasai tribe in East Africa, we’ll help you get there.      
           Greenheart Travel is part of the Center for Cultural Interchange, an environmentally responsible volunteer organization founded in 1985 to promote cultural understanding, academic development, environmental consciousness and world peace. As the leading eco-friendly exchange organization, Greenheart Travel envisions a sustainable world where cultural differences are celebrated and people are empowered to continually expand their hearts and minds.

Adapted from: <http://www.flyforgood.com/nonprofit.php?page_id=614> Accessed on July 17th., 2011.

The text  refers to a special non-profit organization whose missions and visions are:
[a]to provide experiences abroad for people who work in the Center for Cultural Interchange.
[b]support cultural understanding so that people can expand their hearts and minds.
[c]to imagine a sustainable world and to celebrate cultural diversity.
[d]to help people to spend their money while traveling abroad.
[e]to choose volunteers who are working in Spain, in Georgia and in East Africa.
The CORRECT alternative(s) is (are):
[01]only A and C.
[02]only A, D and E.
[04]only E.
[08]A, B, C, D, E
[16]only B and C.
[32]only D.
[64]only B. 

According to the sentence:
"Whether you want to teach in the Republic of Georgia, spend a high school semester in Spain or volunteer with the Maasai tribe in East Africa, we'll help you get there!"
It is CORRECT to state that:
[01]There is a limited set of volunteer work that people can do.
[02]There are options among a range of possibilities that people can choose in Greenheart Travel.
[04]Only people from the Republic of Georgia,Spain and East Africa can attend the program.
[08]Every person can choose an appropriate option according to his/her preference.
[16]Greenheart Travel has the potencial to help to get a variety of experience abroad.

O texto refere-se a uma organização especial sem fins lucrativos cujas missões e visões são:
👉👎OPÇÃO [a]:
  1. to provide experiences abroad for people who work in the Center for Cultural Interchange. 
  2. "Para fornecer experiências no exterior para pessoas que trabalham no Centro de Intercâmbio Cultural." 
O texto afirma em "At Greenheart Travel we are passionate about helping people reach their full potential through unforgettable experiences abroad" ou seja,"Na Greenheart Travel, somos apaixonados por ajudar as pessoas a alcançar seu potencial total através de experiências inesquecíveis no exterior."
Perceba que o texto NÃO AFIRMA a Greenheart Travel fornece experiências para pessoas que trabalham no Centro de Intercâmbio Cultural.
Portanto OPÇÃO [a] é INCORRETA.

👉👍OPÇÃO [b]:
  1. [b]support cultural understanding so that people can expand their hearts and minds.
  2. "Apoiar a compreensão cultural para que as pessoas possam expandir seus corações e mentes." 
O texto afirma que as missões do Greenheart Travel é:
"to promote cultural understanding, academic development, environmental consciousness and world peace",ou seja: 
"promove a compreensão cultural, desenvolvimento acadêmico, consciência ambiental e paz mundial."
Portanto opção [b] é VERDADEIRA.

👉👍OPÇÃO [c]: 
  1. [c]to imagine a sustainable world and to celebrate cultural diversity..
  2. "Imaginar um mundo sustentável e para celebrar a diversidade cultural.." 
O texto afirma que:
"...As the leading eco-friendly exchange organization, Greenheart Travel envisions a sustainable world where cultural differences are celebrated...",ou seja,
"...Como a principal organização de intercâmbio ecológica, o Greenheart Travel prevê um mundo sustentável onde as diferenças culturais são celebradas ..."
Portanto a OPÇÃO [c] é VERDADEIRA.

👉👎OPÇÃO [d]: 
  1. [c]to help people to spend their money while traveling abroad.
  2. "Ajudar as pessoas a gastar seu dinheiro enquanto viajam para o exterior." 
O texto em NÃO CONFIRMA a opção [d].

👉👎OPÇÃO [e]: 
  1. [e]"to choose volunteers who are working in Spain, in Georgia and in East Africa."
  2. "Escolher voluntários que trabalham na Espanha, na Geórgia e na África Oriental." 
O texto em NÃO CONFIRMA a opção [e].