segunda-feira, 29 de maio de 2017


• Provas de LÍNGUA INGLESA de exames anteriores do ENEM / INEP.



Welcome back to another post!
These are all adjectives, these are adjectives plus prepositions. There are 20 of them, so just read this list. Some of them are very commun, they are often used then you know , what do you what preposition you need to follow it. This are adjectives and you're going to follow them those prepostions:
• convicted of.
• accostumed to.
• devoted to.
• superior to.
• safe from.
• engaged in.
• grateful for.
• devoid of.
• concerned about.
• acquainted with.
• addicted to.
• pleased with.
• notorious for.
• fed up with.
• crowded with.
• eligible for.
• incapable of.
• keen on.
• amazed by.
👉 Question  01 :
They were convicted ___ a crime they didn't commit.
(a) on
(b) by
(c) with
(d) of
• Resposta e Comentários:
• What one do you think? convicted on, convicted by, convicted with or convicted of?
• It is convicted of.
• And If you are convicted of something, than that just means that you are guilty, people say that you are guilty of something wrong, you are going to suffer(Sófôr) some consequence. It's not a good thing if somebody convicts you of something, typically we're talking about a crime.
👉 Question  02 :
He's accustomed  ___ driving in snowy weather.
(a) with
(b) in
(c) for
(d) to
• Resposta e Comentários:
• What do you think in this situation? accustomed with, accustomed inaccustomed for or accustomed to?
• This is an adjective that is typically followed by preposition and the answer is to. He's accustomed to.
• So, if you are accustomed to something, it just means that you are used to this thing happening.
• I could also say for example, I'm accustomed to getting little sleep!(because we have a baby girl, we don't sleep regularly).
👉 Question  03 :
The team is devoted  ___ winning the championship.
(a) to
(b) at
(c) in
(d) on
• Resposta e Comentários:
• What do you think in this situation? devored to, devored at, devored in, devored on?
• This is an adjective that is typically followed by preposition and the answer is to. The team is devoted to.
• And If you are devoted to something, it just means that you are committed to this thing, this is something you really want.
👉 Question  04 :
Many believe the iPhone is superior  ___ all others.
(a) at
(b) with
(c) to
(d) of
• Resposta e Comentários:
• What do you think in this situation? superior at, superior with, superior to, superior of?
• This is an adjective that is typically followed by preposition and the answer is to. Many believ dhe iPhone is superior to.
• And If you say that something superior to something else, it just means it's better.
👉 Question  05 :
Parants want to keep their children safe ___ danger.
(a) to
(b) from
(c) around
(d) over
• Resposta e Comentários:
• What do you think in this situation? safe tosafe from, safe around, safe over?
• This is an adjective that is typically followed by preposition and the answer is fromtheir children safe from danger.
👉 Question  06 :
I really hope you're engaged ___ these lessons.
(a) in
(b) with
(c) to
(d) at
• Resposta e Comentários:
• What do you think in this situation? engaged inengaged with, engaged to, engaged at?
• This is an adjective that is typically followed by preposition and the answer is inyou're engaged in.
• So if you engaged in something, it just means that you are paying attention, you want to learn.
👉 Question  07 :
I'm grateful ___ your offer.
(a) with
(b) in
(c) for
(d) at
• Resposta e Comentários:
• What do you think in this situation? grateful for, grateful forgrateful forgrateful for?
• This is an adjective that is typically followed by preposition and the answer is for, I'm grateful for.
• And if you are grateful for something, it's the same as saying that you are thankful for this thing.
• grateful for = thankful for.(They mean the same thing.)
👉 Question  08 :
Their marriage is devoid ___ laughter.
(a) by
(b) of
(c) off
(d) from
• Resposta e Comentários:
• What do you think in this situation? devoid bydevoid ofdevoid offdevoid from?
• This is an adjective that is typically followed by preposition and the answer is of, devoid of.
• And if you are devoid of something, it means that they lack something.
👉 Question  09 :
Are you concerned ___ your health.
(a) with
(b) about
(c) on
(d) in
• Resposta e Comentários:
• What do you think in this situation? concerned withconcerned aboutconcerned onconcerned in?
• This is an adjective that is typically followed by preposition and the answer is aboutconcerned about.
• So if you are concerned about something then it just you're worried about it.
• concerned about = worried about.(They mean the same thing.)
👉 Question  10 :
Anna is a lawyer and she is very well acquainted __ the facts of the case.
(a) to
(b) about
(c) on
(d) with
• Resposta e Comentários:
• What do you think in this situation? acquainted to, acquainted aboutacquainted onacquainted with?
• This is an adjective that is typically followed by preposition and the answer is withacquainted with.
• So if you are acquainted with something it means that you know about it, that you are familiar with this thing.
• acquainted with(aKúêntêd-uêf) = familiar with(fãMêliôr-uêf)(They mean the same thing.).
👉 Question  11 :
If you're addicted __ our channel, then that means you're pleased __ our lessons.
(a) to, with
(b) about, with
(c) with, on
(d) with, with
• Resposta e Comentários:
• So, which prepositions follow those two adjectives?
• "addicted to"(aDêktêthu), if you are addicted to something, it means that you must have it, you cannot go without this thing. So, you could use it for example, it could be something serious, if you are talking about drugs, somobody'is addicted to drugs.
• "pleased with"(Plíz-duêf), if you are pleased with something, it means that you are happy with thing, you are pleased with lessons.
👉 Question  11 :
The dog is notorious __ destroying my shoes, and I'm fed up __ .
(a) to, with
(b) about, with
(c) with, on
(d) with, with
• Resposta e Comentários:
• So, The "notorious" and "fed up" , those are the two adjectives in the sentences, which prepositions are going to follow those adjectives?
• "notorious for"(nôuTóriasFôr), if you are notorious for something, it means that you are known(Nõn) for this thing, must have it, you cannot go without this thing. So, you could use it for example, it could be something serious, if you are talking about drugs, somobody'is addicted to drugs.
• "fed up with"(feráp-uêf), if you are fed up with something, it means that you are tired of it, you are not going to take it anymore and say I'm fed up with this. I'm fed up with all the crowds, I'm fed up with loud music.
👉 Question  12 :
The store was crowded __ people who were eligible __ the ground prize.
(a) of, from
(b) for, of
(c) with, for
(d) of, with
• Resposta e Comentários:
• So, The "crowded" and "eligible" , those are the two adjectives in the sentences, which prepositions are going to follow those adjectives?
• "crowded with"(Kráurê-uêf), so if you say a place is crowded with something, it means that are many things. You could say it's crowded with people, perhaps, it's crowded with something else.
• "elegible for"(Êlidgiból-Fôr), if you are elegible for something, it means that you have met the requirements to get something, in this case you are elegible for the prize.
👉 Question  13 :
I'm incapable __ getting comfortabel __ this seat.
(a) of, on
(b) to, at
(c) of, in
(d) for, on
• Resposta e Comentários:
• So, The "crowded" and "eligible" , those are the two adjectives in the sentences, which prepositions are going to follow those adjectives?
• "incapable of"(inKêipêbôl-óv), so if you are talking about you are capable of doing something that you can do it. If we want you to say opposite, you would say incapable of doing some thing.So I'm not able to do this, I'm not able to get comfortabel in something.
• "comfortabel in"(Kãnfôtêbôl-in), if you are elegible for something, it means that you have met the requirements to get something, in this case you are elegible for the prize.
👉 Question  14 :
If you're keen  __ improving your english, join our community you'll be amazed __ all the cool staff we'll send you.
(a) of, on
(b) by, at
(c) on, by
(d) by, on
• Resposta e Comentários:
• "keen on doing something",So, if you are keen on doing something it means that you want to do it, you desire to do it, if you're keen on improving you english. If you want to do it then I would say join our community and you'll be amazed by all the cool stuff we'll send you. 
• "amazed by something.

domingo, 28 de maio de 2017


Welcome back to another post!

➧ A pauta aqui é MILITARY ENGLISH.




What is the main structure of the EEAR EXAMINATION?

01-A,  02-A,  03-A,  04-D,  05-C06-A
07-B,  08-B,  09-D,  10-A,  11-A12-B
13-A,  14-B,  15-B,  16-D,  17-B18-B
19-A,  20-C,  21-A,  22-D,  23-B24-B


➧ TEXT: Read the text and answer questions 01, 02, 03 and 04.

Hijacked jets destroy Twin Towers: a creeping horror

The horror arrived in epsodic bursts of chilling disbelief, signified first by trembling floors, sharp eruptions, cracked windows. There was the cruel sight of bodies helplessly tumbling out, some of _____ in flames.

Finally, the high and impressive towers themselves were reduced to nothing. Dense plumes of smoke raced through the downtown avenues, coursing between the buildings, shaped like tornadoes on their sides.

Every sound was cause for alarm. A plane appeared overhead. Was another one coming? No, it was a fighter jet. But was it friend or enemy? People scrambled for _____ lives, but _____ didn’t know where to go. Should people go north, south, east, west? Stay outside, go indoors? People hid beneath cars and each other. Some contemplated jumping into the river (…).
Fonte:The New York Times, Sep. 12, 2001.
• chilling disbelief – incredulidade assustadora
• trembling floors – o tremor dos andares
• to scramble – lutar

01 – (EEAR-CFS-2016/2017-BCT-TURMA 1)

Choose the best pronouns to have the text completed, respectively:

a) them – their – they
b) they – them – their
c) their – they – them
d) them – they – their

02 – (EEAR-CFS-2016/2017-BCT-TURMA 1)

The text is about

a) a terrorist attack.
b) a bomb explosion.
c) a terrific day of horror.
d) an implosion of some buildings.

03 – (EEAR-CFS-2016/2017-BCT-TURMA 1)

Which word, from the text, is being used as an adjective?

a) creeping (title)
b) coursing (line 7)
c) tumbling (line 4)
d) jumping (line 14)

04 – (EEAR-CFS-2016/2017-BCT-TURMA 1)

'hid', (line 13), is the past tense of the verb
a) hit.
b) hike.
c) hint.
d) hide.

TEXTO: Read the extract and answer questions 05 and 06.

A lack of sleep affects your mood

When a person cannot sleep or sleeps only a few hours a night, a lot of damage is done. A person gets bad-tempered, loses their drive, feels angry and tired, and also gets bags under their eyes. Poor sleep can also make a person emotionally unstable and even affect their immune system.

A good tip to improve the quality of sleep is to avoid heavy meals at night and to avoid drinking beverages with a high caffeine content, such as soft drinks and coffee.
Fonte: Maganews
05 – (EEAR-CFS-2016/2017-BCT-TURMA 1)

According to the extract,

a) a bad night's sleep doesn’t result in skin damage.
b) a good night’s sleep makes a person less energetic.
c) a bad sleep leads to a change in behaviour.
d) sleeping badly is harmless to our health.

06 – (EEAR-CFS-2016/2017-BCT-TURMA 1)

A helpful piece of advice, mentioned in the extract, is:

a) Stay away from heavy meals at night.
b) Be away from alcoholic drinks.
c) Give up drinks with caffeine.
d) Skip meals when it is night.

TEXTO: Read the article and answer questions 07, 08 and 09.

Airports 'vunerable' to attack

The 2007 Glasgow International Airport attack was a terrorist ramming attack which occurred on Saturday 30 June 2007, when a dark green Jeep Cherokee loaded with propane canisters was driven into the glass doors of the Glasgow International Airport terminal and set ablaze. It was the first terrorist attack to take place in Scotland. Security bollards outside the entrance stopped the car from entering the terminal, although the doors were damaged.

Security consultant Chris Yates said many of the changes put in place at Glasgow had been copied at other UK airports. But he said that although some “weak points” in airport had been addressed, others remained.

Since the attack, cars no longer drop off passengers outside the main terminal building, which was fitted with bomb-proof glass.

Fonte:BBC News
• (car) ramming attack – ataque no qual um veículo choca-se contra um local
• propane canister – container de metal contendo gás propano
• bollard – poste usado para manter um veículo fora de uma área em particular

07 – (EEAR-CFS-2016/2017-BCT-TURMA 1)

According to the article, the main terminal building was

a) rebuilt by using glass against bullet.
b) supplied with glass proofed against bomb.
c) fitted with security locks made by bomb-proof glass.
d) fitted out with sophisticated anti-collision equipment.

08 – (EEAR-CFS-2016/2017-BCT-TURMA 1)


'(…) a Jeep Cherokee was driven into the glass doors and set ablaze', (lines 3 - 5),

it means that the vehicle hit into the glass doors and _____________,


a) burnt
b) blew up
c) caught fire
d) burst into flames

09 – (EEAR-CFS-2016/2017-BCT-TURMA 1)

Choose the alternative that reflects the information provided by the article.

a) Security hasn’t been improved at Glasgow Airport since the attack happened.
b) The security at Glasgow Airport has been neglected by the United Kingdom authorities.
c) In spite of the damages at Glasgow Airport, the drop-offs are still allowed outside the terminal building.
d) The airports in the United Kingdom aren’t secure enough to prevent the possibility of another terrorist attack.

TEXTO: Read the text and answer questions 10, 11, 12 and 13.

Greenpeace _____ against environmental degradation since 1971 when a small boat of volunteers and journalists _____ into the U.S. atomic test zone of Amchitka, Alaska. Our focus has been on the most crucial worldwide threats to our planet’s biodiversity and environment. It’s also our responsibility to expose environmental criminals, and to challenge governments and corporations when they fail to act appropriately in order to protect our environment and our future.

10 – (EEAR-CFS-2016/2017-BCT-TURMA 1)

Choose the best verbal form to have the text completed, respectively:
a) has campaigned – sailed
b) had campaigned – sailed
c) campaigned – was sailing
d) was campaigning – has sailed

11 – (EEAR-CFS-2016/2017-BCT-TURMA 1)

According to the text, Greenpeace

a) is concerned about a range of environmental issues.
b) campaigns actively for the deforestation of the forests.
c) presents a threat to planet’s biodiversity and environment.
d) blames politicians and business companies for environmental degradation.

12 – (EEAR-CFS-2016/2017-BCT-TURMA 1)

'in order to', underlined in the text, is used to

a) give orders.
b) express purpose.
c) indicate personal opinion.
d) talk about a sequence of ideas.

13 – (EEAR-CFS-2016/2017-BCT-TURMA 1)

The sentence

'It’s also our responsibility to expose environmental criminals.' 

means that Greenpeace ______, except:

a) sole responsibility is to expose criminals.
b) exposes environmental criminals, among other things.
c) is responsible for exposing environmental criminals, too.
d) is responsible for exposing environmental criminals, as well.

TEXTO: Read the text and answer questions 14, 15 and 16.

The Bottom Line on Facebook Depression

Facebook, the most popular social media platform, does not make people more depressed on its own. Instead, what the research shows is that Facebook – when used as a surveillance device – leads to a greater risk of feelings of envy. And the more those feelings of envy increase, the more likely it is for a person to start feeling depressed.

The key to stopping these feelings is to not use Facebook primarily as a surveillance method to spy on your family and friends’ lives. Instead, use it as a social network where you share your own information, photos and updates, as well as consume other’s updates and shares.

Healthy use of Facebook will protect you against the possibility of feeling more depressed after using it. It’s a simple thing you can try for yourself – especially if you feel more envious after checking Facebook.
Fonte: Psych Central – World of Psychology

14 – (EEAR-CFS-2016/2017-BCT-TURMA 1)

Reading the text leads to the conclusion that Facebook

a) may lessen depressive feelings.
b) alone doesn't cause people to be more depressed.
c) is a social tool that can help loneliness if it is used in a healthy way.
d) can lead to unconscious envy that will result in depression feelings.

15 – (EEAR-CFS-2016/2017-BCT-TURMA 1)


'(...) when used as a surveillance device (...)',(lines 3 and 4),

it means that Facebook is used for

a) updating the news.
b) keeping track of others.
c) exchanging the information between more people.
d) surveying people in order to find out their attitudes or opinions.

16 – (EEAR-CFS-2016/2017-BCT-TURMA 1)

Reading the last paragraph can lead to the conclusion that

a) Facebook is highly addictive.
b) a healthy relationship with Facebook means no use of it at all.
c) heavy Facebook users should get rid of social media in order to have a feeling of well-being.
d) Facebook, when it is not used in a healthy way, can affect the state of people’s mental health, making them feel very unhappy.

TEXTO: Read the fable and answer questions
17, 18, 19 and 20.

The Crab and His Mother

Mamma Crab _____ to Baby Crab when she _____ that he was walking sideways. Mamma Crab said, 'Why are you walking sideways like that, my son? You have to walk straight.' Baby Crab replied, 'Show me how, dear mother, and I'll follow your example.'

Mamma Crab tried and tried, but her efforts were in vain. She could not walk straight herself. Then, she saw how foolish she had been to find fault with her child.

Fonte:Aesop's Fables

17 – (EEAR-CFS-2016/2017-BCT-TURMA 1)

Choose the best verbal form to have the fable completed, respectively:

a) talked – was noticed
b) was talking – noticed
c) has talked – was noticing
d) has been talking – has noticed

18 – (EEAR-CFS-2016/2017-BCT-TURMA 1)

The moral of the fable is

a) 'practice is our best friend'.
b) 'example is the best teacher'.
c) 'the only way to retain love is to give it away'.
d) 'never give up persuading someone to copy you'.

19 – (EEAR-CFS-2016/2017-BCT-TURMA 1)

Change the sentence below into indirect speech.

Baby Crab said to Mamma Crab, 'Show me how to walk straight (…).'

Baby Crab told _____ how to walk straight (…).

a) his mom to show
b) to his mom show
c) his mom showing
d) to his mom shows

20 – (EEAR-CFS-2016/2017-BCT-TURMA 1)

'could', underlined in the fable, was used to

a) express prohibition.
b) refuse permission.
c) talk about ability.
d) give an order.

TEXTO: Read the article and answer questions 21, 22, 23 and 24.
Why I stopped mispronouncing my Igbo name

In Nigeria, the language spoken by one of the largest ethnic groups, the Igbo, is in danger of dying out – which is odd because the population is growing. In the past this didn’t worry Nkem Ifejika, who is himself Igbo but never learned the language.

When he is in Nigeria, he says his parents are Igbo. He might throw in that he partly grew up in the United Kingdom. In Britain, He says he’s Nigerian, though he often adds explainers about having been educated at British schools and lived outside Nigeria since he was 12 years old.

Nkem Ifejika can speak English, French among others. However, he can’t speak the language of his ancestors. Igbo is a tonal language, so the words with the wrong stresses and tones either change their meaning, or worse, become unintelligible. In Igboland, as it’s informally known, names have meaning and history. Nkemakonam means “may I not lack what is mine”, while Ifejika means “what I have is greater”. By mispronouncing his names, he was throwing away generation of history, and disregarding his parents’ careful choice.

His indefatigable and proudly wife, who is also Igbo, helped him out when they met. Now he knows how to pronounce his name properly, with the correct tones and with pride.

Fonte: BBC NewsWorld Service

21 – (EEAR-CFS-2016/2017-BCT-TURMA 1)

According to the article, Nkem Ifejika ______, except:

a) has been able to speak his ancestors’ tongue since he was a child.
b) didn’t use to pronounce his name properly.
c) was taught in the United Kingdom.
d) was partly brought up in Nigeria.

22 – (EEAR-CFS-2016/2017-BCT-TURMA 1)


‘(...) the Igbo is in danger of dying out (...)’, (line 2),

it means that the language is in danger of _________.

a) being minority
b) being less spoken
c) becoming unclear
d) going into extinction

23 – (EEAR-CFS-2016/2017-BCT-TURMA 1)


‘Igbo is a tonal language, so the words with the wrong stresses and tones either change their meaning, or worse, become unintelligible.’, (lines 12-15),

it means that mispronouncing the words in Igbo can

a) have little change on their meaning as well as their understanding.
b) affect not only their meaning but also the understanding of them.
c) change their meaning but hardly ever their intelligibility.
d) make the understanding easy.
24 – (EEAR-CFS-2016/2017-BCT-TURMA 1)

All underlined words in the article have a negative prefix, except:

a) disregarding
b) indefatigable
c) unintelligible
d) mispronouncing